Saving Grace

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Sorry for the delay you guys but please enjoy :)


  Standing in frame of the door was Roy and Al. Ed was so happy that they got here in time... Or so he thought. Suddenly he noticed there was a clear alchemic barrier blocking them from getting in and he panicked as Derick chuckled. "Did you really think I didn't notice the bird. Oh well looks like they get to witness your deflowering." Derick put saliva heavily on two of his fingers and slipped them into Ed's entrance and began to pump them in and out. Ed tried so hard to resist as long as he could but after a few minutes he was groaning in pleasure and then he looked up and saw Roy's eyes and knew he had to think of something and mouthed for Roy to see, 'I don't want this instead of standing there make a transmutation circle on the unseen barrier and break it.' Roy smirked and told Al what Ed said. Al drew the circle and then broke the barrier. Once this was done, Roy snapped his fingers aiming at Ed's bindings as Ed had regained feeling in his body a moment ago. Derick was in such a shock that he didn't realize Ed fixed his auto mail arm, pulled the spear out of his real arm, and had transmuted his auto mail to put the blade he uses at his throat.

Once Derick came out of it he said, "Hmph, such a shame I was hoping that I would get the chance to break you in, because face it I'm better than anyone you would have after me." Ed stumbled back as he saw the animosity in his eyes and he noticed that Derick has an Ora Boras tattoo. (sorry if my spelling for that is wrong.) "W...Who.. or better yet which one?" The man that is unidentified then had a grin and changed his appearance. Ed was in pure shock as who he saw in front of him should have been dead ages ago. "E...Envy..? But you should have been dead. You pulled the fake stone from your body..." Envy had a grin and walked towards Ed, " I was reborn but enough about that, weren't you happy with seeing him Ed? I mean you may not want to admit it but somewhere deep down your feelings of love were still there. After all you and him dated. I thought you'd be happy to see the one you lo..."  "SHUTUP! You know nothing of what I went through when I was with him!" Out of anger, Ed charged at Envy and then before Ed could take the chance to stab Envy, he had to dodge a flame that flew in the direction of Envy. Al grabbed Ed and Ed began to protest but Al then hit him over the head, "Let Mustang take care of this. He has a score to settle."

       Envy barely dodged the attack and then proceeded to hit a water pipe and Roy was drenched. "Damnit now he's..." "Wait Ed." Roy then took off his glove revealing a transmutation circle he had carved into his hand. "I didn't think I'd have to use this again, well then Envy be glad. You get to die the same way your friend Lust did. But I want to know one thing... How did you make it back to the world of the living? Envy tilted his head, "Well the day I had supposedly died, I was in front of the gate of truth ready to be judged but, someone brought me back. Saying I had a mission to do and that man was Yoki the one the Fuhrer was supposed to have killed. But point is I live and yours friend Hughes is dead." Roy looked down with his anger brimming over as Envy began to speak once again, "You humans are so weak. Emotions such as compassion and then you become sad and full of sorrow when some..." *SNAP* Envy yelped as his tongue was burned, "How does it feel to have your tongue burned? How about this next!"

Roy snapped again and then it was Envy's eyes. Roy went into a fit of snapping and setting Envy a blaze until his true small form came out again and Ed ran to pick it up. "Fullmetal I'll be taking that. That's a direct order." Ed shook his head, "No I won't let you do this. This isin't you Mustang, Hughes wouldn't want this." "How can someone who is merely a child say such a thing you know noth..!" "ROY SHUT THE HELL UP AND LISTEN TO YOURSELF! WHERE WILL REVENGE GET YOU?! IS THIS HOW THE FUTURE LEADER WANTS TO RULE?! HAVE EVERYONE FOLLOW IN FEAR?!" Roy then looked down, he hated admitting Ed was right. Envy then slid out of Ed's hand and laughed, "looks like my time is up here. I know this is ridiculous to say but Mustang... thank you. I did this in hopes of getting to actually die this time." Envy then reached inside his mouth and detached the philosopher's stone and turned into dust. Ed looked at Roy with fear and concern as he soon realized that the Roy he was looking at was one that was colse to the breaking point. Roy took a step towards Ed and Ed spoke as he looked down, "you know what? I use to look up to you to an extent but now I know you're the same as me. But let's go." With that Ed began walking off as Roy slowly followed behind thinking of Ed's words.

Ed walked up to his room and sighed thinking about how Envy used his emotions against him and Ed was hurt so badly. Ed crawled onto his bed and then the tears began to fall. He had made a promise that day when he vowed to get him and Al's bodies back that he wouldn't cry. It been two years since they got their bodies back but he never cried until now it had been years since he cried. Even when his mom did die, he didn't cry at the funeral he knew crying wouldn't bring her back but just this once he decided it would be best to cry. Ed's cries became violent as he began to shake and hiccup between sobs, "why... I never asked for this. I never wanted this. I..." Right then he heard the door and got quiet knowing it was Roy but he couldn't stop shaking. "Ed..?" Ed looked over at him with his eyes a little puffy and tears staining his cheeks. He was also shaking really badly but managed to speak, "Roy..? Why do things bad always happen to me? Whenever I think it's then end you always show up. I keep pulling you into the madness that is my life... I'm starting to think you are truly my saving grace..." With that Ed passed out from crying and Roy caught him before he fell off the bed looking down at his innocent face and said, "Saving grace huh?"

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