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I was surprised at how promiscuous I was being, I usually would never ever act like this. But Harry brought out this side of me, and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
"Annabelle." He said my name sternly, furrowing his brows. "Focus, please."
I pouted. His face immediately softened.
"Sorry, love," he said, shaking his head, as if to scold himself. He gently touched my hand.
"Let's get back to the lesson now."
I found it hard to focus during my lesson. I would always find myself distracted by something and Mr. Styles would have to tap me on the shoulder in order for me to listen.
He tutored me all week (except Sundays of course) every night at 6:45 pm. My parents and Maria would leave and we would usually be alone.
The time came and the doorbell rang. I eagerly ran to the door.
"Good evening, Annabelle." He greeted me. We shook hands.
"Hello, Mr. Styles," I nodded. "Come in,"
We sat down at our normal spot in the parlour, on 2 leather chairs across from each other with a table in between us.
Before we could begin anything, I heard the sound of my parents bickering in the kitchen.
Harry obviously heard it too, and he swallowed hard.
"Why don't we study upstairs today?"
He suggested.
"Okay." I pulled at the hem of my sleeve anxiously. My parents never argued, something about this was off.
I led him upstairs and into my bedroom. He noticed I was looking scared. "Do your parents usually argue?" He asked, setting the papers and books aside.
I shook my head. "No."
"Don't worry, Belle." He smoothed down my hair. I smiled as he did so.
"Thank you, Harry,"
I climbed over the books and pulled him into a hug, wrapping my legs around him. When he pulled away, I stroked his cheek and then softly kissed it. He pulled away from me.
"Is something wrong?" I asked.
"This isn't right." He replied, lifting me off his lap.
"Nobody has to know." I said, placing my hand on his thigh.
"If we do this, we can't tell anyone.." He looked me straight in my eye.
I nodded. "I know."
"Good girl." He smoothed my hair.
It was Wednesday when they finally told me.
They sat me and Maria down in the living room.
"Girls, your mother and I have made a decision that will effect our whole family," I have never seen my dad look more nervous in his life.
"We have decided to get a divorce. We are doing this because it's what's best for us as a family."
I gulped at the word 'divorce'.
What? How?
My parents loved each other, or so I thought.

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