Ch.4:Why him?!

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"We're here!! We're actually here!!" Addie squealed as she ran off the boat with jack

on her shoulder. 'Slow dont there missy, we dont need you getting lost called out Hector.

'She sure is excited huh Alex? Asked Will as he walked with me off the ship.

I shrugged, "She just loves animals. Anything to see that little smile."

Noticing how close me and Will were becoming, Hector quickly got between us. "Turner, go help the crew gather supplies. Half of you seadogs stay on the ship! Alex, go keep an eye on your sister."

'Yes Hector" I said doing my best to sound poliet He sighed and walked after me. "You have to stop calling me Hector, im your father


'I know, but ive been calling yoi that for so long I'm just used to it. But as long as I know you're my dad that's all that matters." Wrapping an arm around my shoulders we both walked off to find Addie.

*Look there she is I said pointing to Addie who was now sitting under a palm tree.

And sitting with her was her baby monkey, a group of baby turtles crawling nearby, and a tucan was attached to her finger.

'Looks like Addie has made a few friends. She looks so happy" Said Hector. 'Indeed she dose, said an all to familiar voice. But it seemed to be coming from

above us. Captin Jack sparrow was sitting up in the palm tree, drinking like always.

'Jack!" Said Addie happily.

"Jack?" I asked wondering why he was in the tree.

'Sparrow" Said Hector in an irritated voice

'Nice to see all of you too Said Jack in a slurred voice.

'Get down from there! We already have one monkey named Jack we dont need another one I called out

"Alright, be right down' He said before taking of last drink of rum and jumping down.

Quickly pulling Addie out of the way. Both me and Hector chuckled as jack fell on his side into the sand.

"Funny running Into all of you here. How have you been? How's my pearl?" Jack asked.

"Ha, your pearl" I said under my breath.

'It's my birthday! Im six today" Said Addie climbing down from my arms and sitting down next tk him.

"Happy Birthday Lass. Let's go out and celebrate' He said taking her by the hand.

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