Ch.8: Help me understand

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As I walked into my room, I continued to dwell on what Hector had told me.

You figure that if another woman came aboard the ship, me and her would be bumping heads left and right. But there was something about Angelica that I was just drawn too.

Maybe it was her back story, maybe it was her charm, maybe it was the fact

that the only family she had in the world was her little girl. Addle may not be my

daughter but she was the closest thing to it..

I knew nothing about her, yet I didn't want her to leave. I had to snap out of my thoughts once addie ran to my side.

'Alex, Alex! Angelica is reading us your book come see!" She said as she grabbed
my arm and practically dragged me to my bed.

"I hope you don't mind sweetheart, But the girls found this book and asked me to read it' Said Angelica.

"That's okay, im surprised half the sea monsters in that book aren't scaring them."

"What's that mommy?" Jocelyn asked pointing to the picture of the mermaids in the book

'La Sirena, Jocey. She's a mermaid' Explained Angelica in Spanish and English.
"Have you seen one before Ms. Angelica? Are they as pretty as they are in the
Addie asked practically bouncing on our bed.

'Beautiful yes, but also very deadly. Mermaids have to feed on the flesh of men to stay young and beautiful. The tears of the mermaids are known to save the lives of pirates. Years ago Jack and me found a mermaid and used her in a ritual"

'For the fountain of youth right? Its says here in the book that a mermaids tear and
two chalaces are used to keep a person alive' I said.

"That's right, I wanted to go there to give my remaining years to my father Black beard. But he died there at the fountain thanks to Jack' she said as tears came to
her eyes. I put a comforing hand on her shoulder.

'I'm sorry to hear that but if it makes you feel any better. I find it amazing that the most powerful pirate was your father."

She smiled at me and gave me a hug. "Thank you Alex that means alot, and your father is also very powerful."

"Well actually he's not my biological father..but he's been more of a father to Addie and me than our real father ever was I said doing my best to not get upset.

"What do you mean?" She asked, obviously wanting to know more about my past.

I was about to tell her more when both Addie and Jocelyn let out two big yawns 'Looks like they re getting sleepy, lets get them to bed.
Angelica nodded and pulled back the blankets. Slowly we both laid the girls down
and kissed them both goodnight. When we finished we turned to hear the sound of footsteps coming towards us.

We both looked to see that it was Jack.

"What do you want?" Angelica snapped.

Jack sighed and said, "Alex love, could you please give us a minute?"

I nodded, "Okay but try to control yourselves, we have two little girls sleeping."

I turned to leave, when Angelica grabbed my hand.

"We'll talk more later yes?" she asked. I nodded and walked out of the room to give them their privacy.

*******************************************For a while It was silent between Jack and Angelica. Until he looked behind her at

the sleeping little girl. "Is she really mine Angelica?"

She sighed, "What do you think? I told you I was with child that day you marooned me. Only you didn't believe me."

"Well how was I supposed to know you were telling the truth?! I didn't even know we

had slept together."

"Well we did Jack! And you know what I don't regret it! Not because I love you, but because I got a precious gift out of it. That little girl is my whole world, and whether you want to accept the fact that we have a daughter together or not. Jocelyn deserves to know who her father is, and have what I always wanted."

Jack looked down in shame, but slowly reached for her hand.

"I'm so sorry Angelica, truly I am. I'm sorry for taking things away from you. I'm sorry for breaking your heart, and most importantly. I'm so sorry for abandoning you to raise that little girl all alone for all these years."

Angelica looked at him with tears running down her face but pulled her hand away.

"I don't care what happened between us Jack. All I want is for my daughter to have a father. I hope you're ready to step up to fatherhood."

With that said Angelica walked away to sleep in another part of the ship.

Jack carefully sat on the bed and gently ran his hand over Jocelyn's cheek.

As he examined her, he noticed that she did look like him a little. Angelica, Hector and Alex were right. He had to step up to the plate and be a father.

Getting up, Jack placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep well my beautiful girl, tomorrow I'll show you how loving I can be."

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