Ch.10: Addie and the KRAKEN!!

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As the sun rose over the sea,I looked over at Will and awwed at how cute he looked sleeping.

Slowly I untangled myself from his arms and climbed down back on deck.

Looking over the side of the ship, I kept a look out for anymore mermaids.

"Maybe they don't come out in the daytime" I thought to myself. But just as I was about to walk away, I noticed something beneath the water beginning to bubble!

I began to back away slowly, but screamed in terror as a big,slimey tentacle shot up.

Realizing what it was I began to cry out for help.

"Kraken!!! Help!! We're being Attacked!!!"

Suddenly the whole crew, along with Hector, Jack, and Angelica. Came to my aid, sowrds in hand.

"Alex!! Are you okay?" Hector said as he took me into his arms.

"I'm fine dad, but I don't understand. You said the Kraken lived in a different part of the Caribbean!"

"Well it must have traveled our way! I Hope you have a way of killing it mate!" said Jack trying to swing his sowrd at it.

"And soon! We have two little girls aboard, and I will not let them become sea food!" Said Angelica.

I screamed again as another tentacle came near me.

"Do something Dad! Or we'll be taken into davey jones locker forsure!"

"Alex, go inside and keep those girls safe. Sparrow, you grab sparrow and get the cannons ready" Said Hector.

Running to the other side of the ship, I was supprised to see a calm looking Addie next to a nervous looks Jocelyn.

"Girls! What are you doing? We're under attack you have to get back inside" I said trying to shove them back in the room.

But Addie just looked up at me with her big eyes and said, "I know how to stop him, watch this!" She said as she ran passed me and towards the edge of the ship.
"Addie! What are you doing?!" I asked as I tried to run after her.

Others tried to stop her, but Addie wouldn't listen.

She leaned over the edge and touched one of the Krakens tentacles with her small hand.

And to our complete surprise, he actually calmed down.

"Get her away from there!" Said Will trying to push through everyone.

"Leave her alone mate, whatever she's doing seems to be working" Said Jack in a defensive voice.

"Shhhh it's okay, it's okay Mr. Kraken. Just tell me what's wrong" Said Addie as she sat on the edge of the ship and talked to him.

"She's talking to him... Do you think it understands her?" Angelica asked.

"I think so, but I don't like how close she is to it" I said getting more and more worried for her.

"What's it saying Addie?" Hector asked, getting closer to her to make sure she didn't fall overboard.

"He says that he's hurt daddy. He has a cut and it's very painful. He's kinda cranky from the pain."

"But do you know how to talk to him?" Will asked.

"I just have a way with animals, no matter what kind they are. So please don't kill him, he needs help."

"And just how exactly are we supposed to help a beast that

large?" Jack asked.

"It says here in the book, that a Krakens wound can be cured if a bottle of rum is poured on the wound." I said reading along with my book.

Everyone turned and looked at Jack.

"What? Don't think any of you are getting one drop out of me."

I glared at him, "It's either that or we all go down to the very bottom of the ocean."

He sighed and began to hand over his last bottle to Addie, but took it back quickly.

"Can't I have just one last drink?" He begged.

"JACK!!!" Everyone screamed at him.

"Okay okay, here."

Taking the bottle from him, she told the Kraken that she was going to help him. He showed her his wound, and half of us gaged at the sight of it. It was bleeding but it was also pouring out green slime.

We all watched in awe as she poured the rum onto the wound, and I could've sworn I heard the beast sigh in delight at the feeling.

"All done, now where did you say that place was?...Okay. Okay well you're safe now, swim back home." Said Addie in a happy voice.

We all cheered for her as the Kracken swam away.

"Addie you're a hero!!" I said as I took her in my arms.

"Aww it was nothing, I honestly didn't know I could do that."

"What else did he tell ya missy?" Hector asked.

"He said that there is a cave not too far from here, with a chest full of jewels that no pirate has ever been able to find."

Hearing that caught our dad's attention.

"You heard her you bunch of sea dogs! Back to your posts! All of ya! Addie, you come with daddy and help steer the ship. Alex my love you look in that book of yours for a chapter on treasure."

As I sat there and read my book, I overheard Jack and Angelica talking.

"Isn't anyone going to thank me?! I used my last bottle after all."

Angelica rolled her eyes, "Oh stop complaining, someone here actually wants to thank you." She said Jocelyn stepped out from behind her.
"Thank you for making the monster go away" She said as she held up a paper to him.

Jack took it and saw that it was a drawing of him on the black pearl and he was holding hands with Jocelyn."

Jack looked at her with misty eyes and picked her up in his arms.

"Oh you think that's a monster, I've fought bigger beasts" he said and began to walk around the ship with her in his arms. Telling her more stories of his great adventures.

Both me and Angelica exchanged smiles, we were happy things seemed to be going so well.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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