Ch.5: Don't worry Dad/ A new Friend

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When we finally made it to the cavern, the crew rushed in like a bunch of wild animals

The only ones left standing outside, were me, Hector, Will, and Jack with Addie still
in his arms.

"I guess being on the ship for so long, has made them all crazy." I said while rolling
my eyes.

'I want to go in too!"
Said Addie unaware of what a Tavern was of course.
"Don't think about it Missy, that's no place for a little girl like you'
Said Hector taking her out of Jacks arms.

"Well then, I suggest your oldest daughter take your little girl to that toy store I told you about. And us men go inside for a drink. Said Jack.

Hector gave me a hesitant look, but I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Dont worry, I'll keep an eye on her. You can trust me.Dad."

Hector stood there in shock, but Will quickly broke the tension.

'I'll even go with them Captin Barbossa, to protect them." Hector nodded and watched as we all walked away together.

"Everything alright Mate?" Jack asked noticing Hector's current state of shock.

"Ay... Thats.. That's just the first time she's called me dad."

'Hector are you... crying?!" Jack asked noticing his friends eyes were getting glossy.

Hector quickly wipped his eyes and pushed Jack out of the way.

'Shut your trap! I need a drink."

Jack just smirked and fallowed him inside.


As the three of us walked in, we were greeted by a creepy old man with one arm and creepy crooked blue eyes.

"Hi there, Welcome to Captain Crackle's Toy Store. Feel free to look around." Said the old man in a surprisingly nice voice.

Both me and Will nodded at him, as for Addie, she happily ran around the store and
found a shelf full of dolls.

As she reached for one, with brown curly pigtails, pink ribbons and dressed in a yellow dress. Another little girl reached for it too, She was short, had tan skin, shiny brown eyes, black hair pulled up into a half ponytail and the rest of her hair was down. And she was dressed in a little red dress and white shoes.

At first Addie wanted to pull it away, but the other little girl was so much smaller
that her attitude changed.

'Oh can have it' She said handing the doll to the little girl.

The little girl smiled and even hugged her.

"Thank you, my name is Jocelyn what's yours?" She asked. 'I'm Addie, It's my birthday today. I'm six today."

Jocelyn clapped her hands, "You're a big girl now, I'm still five."

They were so busy talking that they didn't even notice Me and Will watching them.

'She sure makes friends easily doesn't she?' Will said proudly.

'I'm so proud of her, I hope she always stays this sweet." I said.

'Oh don't worry she will, she takes after her sister." Said Will making my whole face

turn red

But both of us quickly turned back towards the girls when we heard someone call out.

'Jocelyn! Mi baby, come to mami."

A beautiful woman, with brown hair, a beautiful face, a lovely body, dressed as a
A female pirate came to us and picked up Jocelyn.
"Mami, she's my new friend. Said Jocelyn pointing to Addie.

"Ay how sweet, what's your name little Angel?'

'Im Addie' she said with a blush.

When the lady noticed us, she said 'And the two of you must be her parents."

Both me and Will looked at each other confused.

'I'm actually her sister, I'm Alex...Barbossa" I said.

'And I'm will Turner."

Once we introduced ourselves, she looked at us strangely.

" I'm Angelica Cook this is my daughter Jocelyn Cook Sparrow."

Both me and Will suddenly realized who she really was! "Would either of you know where I can find Jack?" She asked.

We both nodded, bought two dolls for the girls and walked with Angelina back to the Tavern.

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