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Venti traced the outline of the clouds from under the shade of the tree, he was trying to imagine the shape while he waited for Aether to return from eavsdropping on the Xiao's. He heard the grass move with someone's footsteps and turned his head, he was greeted by Red Xiao who bent down a bit "What're you doing, Lord Barbatos?" He asked, looking up at the sky as well "Waiting for Traveller, you already left  so I don't know what he's doing" he sighed "Anyway, do you know if Mirax is currently in Liyue? I need to talk with him about something" "Is it important?" Red Xiao inquired "Kinda, I just want to try to get the talk over and done with"

Red Xiao smiled "Well, talking with Rex Lapis can wait right? Besides, he may be busy, do you want to bother him?" "I-...well...I gues not..." Venti looked away and fiddled with his braid "Hm, I'm bored...Oh! Red Xiao, can I braid your hair?" He asked pulling out a hair tie "You want to braid my hair? Sure, just let me do one thing first" Venti nodded confused, then he felt Red Xiao close the distance between them and he turned red again, Red Xiao broke the kiss and smirked wiping his lip "You can braid my hair now~" he sat down and hummed satisfied "O-okay..." Venti shook his head and slapped his face a bit until he calmed down, he sat down and began braiding Red Xiao's hair.

"There!" Venti smiled as he looked at his work "You look great!" He smiled and clapped his hands together "Thank you, Lord Barbatos~" "Oi, Red Adeptus! Come over here I need to have a talk with you!" Wanderer grabbed Red Xiao and walked off.

Xiao approached Venti who was now standing alone, he turned his head to look at the approaching Yaksha "Hi Xiao" he smiled as he waved. Xiao grabbed his wrsot and pulled him closer, he gently cupped Venti's flustered face "O-oh I-what-huh???" Venti looked side to side nervously trying to keep some distance between them "I-" Xiao was cut off when the two heare an explosion in the distance.

The two turned their heads, Xiao released Venti and quickly went to check out what the hell happened, Venti felt a bit sad when Xiao left but quickly brushed off the feeling, he then followed to see the problem as well.

"Oops..." "Heizou! What the hell did you four do!?" Xiao questioned pulling Kazuha away, who was coughing and covered in ash and had an injured ankle, Xiao helped him stand steady, not letting go so he wouldn't fall "Ummm...well" Heizou was struggling to properly construct a sentence about what just happened, Xiao looked at Kazuha and asked the smae question, just with nicer words.

Venti came running up the hill and was surprised to see Xiao supporting Kazuha from the waist and arm, he felt...jealous? He frowned slightly and walked towards the group. Kazuha said that when Red Xiao and Wanderer were arguing Heizou came running up to try and scold them both in Venti's place, Kazuha was chasing after him and made it just in time to see Heizou try to kick Wanderer but missed and instead hit about 5 explosive barrels next to eachother, since this argument was at an abandoned hilichurl camp.

Xiao passed Kazuha over to Heizou with a glare which Venti was somewhat happy about, he cared for his friends, but he didn't like Xiao and Kazuha having that kind of physical contact. "Ugh, is anyone else injured?" Everyone shook their heads, Xiao sighed "Heizou, follow me, we're bandaging up Kazuha's ankle at the tree" Somehow, Heizou's dumbass forgot he was keeping Kazuha up and followed Xiao, dropping Kazuha "Wha-WITH Kazuha!" "Oh shit sorry Kazuha"

Aether sighed looking at the disaster in the distance "Poor Xiao...failed, because of Heizou's stupudity, ironic 'cause he's a detective..."

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