The Devil Is In The Details

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Then the day came, college's reopening. The day which was desperately waited by three persons.

Both Autumn and Brooks were happy that after such a long time they would be able to see and hear each other's voice. 

Whereas Charles was the most happiest one, 

Now he would be able to bring his plan into reality. He grabs his stuff and without wasting any time he went college. 

He didn't want to be late, not today, to see Autumn and for one more reason

Even, Autumn didn't want to waste anymore time, so she also grabs her stuff and also his letter in which he told about his love. She grabs them and left for college. However, Brooks got late, not intentionally though.

I don't want to waste any time

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I don't want to waste any time. 

I want to see my Meadow Saffron and ask her about the letter. I want to know who he is. Who is that person that she loves so much?

All these thoughts were roaming in his minds then he heard the voices. 

But not normal voices. 

They were screams, his mother's scream. He runs down, to see his father drunk and beating his mother.

 What he saw was horrible. 

He saw his father grabbing Josephine's hairs in his fist and was shouting on her. 

Oliver, his father was looking as if he was a wild animal and Josephine was crying and begging him to leave her. 

Brooks eyes grows wide open. 

This time he didn't run away. He already was angry and when he saw his father beating his mother like an animal, he grew even more angry. 

He march inside and punches his father's arm, causing his mother to fall on the floor. Oliver was shocked and before he could do anything, Brooks punches his cheeks. 

Brooks holds his knuckles in pain because of the cut. And Oliver falls down and holds his cheek in pain. He stood up in anger.

He then tries to punch Brooks but misses. Then Brooks kicks him in the stomach and he falls down  holding his stomach in pain. "How did you get so bold? Huh? Was this your mother to teach you all this? I uh( he tries to stand up) I knew she must be doing something like that. (He looks at her, and saw Brooks telling her to leave) You BASTARD. Let me just stand up and I will kill you. Then I'll see who saves you." Oliver says while trying to stand up.

Brooks was telling  his mother to call the police but she doesn't hear it as she was in shock to see Brooks fighting his father. Brooks yells to bring her mother out of her own world. She runs to take phone and calls the police. 

In that time, Oliver was standing up holding his bleeding cheek and saw Brooks back facing him and tries to kick him down but Brooks turns and  kicks his face, causing him to fall on the floor coughing blood and after one more kick on his face he was unconscious. Lying there with his unconscious body, Brooks wanted to beat him more but didn't as he has to reach college any how.

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