Melting Into The Forest Shadows

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Whereas Autumn.......

She was still running but then she hears Charles voice.

She froze.

How did he find me?

"Snowflake, I know you are here. Come out. Look, it's me." she can hear him singing his words. She increases her speed darting between the tree, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Oooo, Snowflakeee. Don't you think you owe me meals??"

Goosebumps forming on her skin.

He can hear me.

She reduces her pace, because she knew he could hear her foot steps if she runs fast with the sound of handcuff hanging in her one wrist, he will easily be able to find her.

And she already knows that, he is faster than her.

She slows her speed but she was trembling in fear. She could still hear his words running through her ears like venom.

The forest was silent and even a single rustle echoes through the leaves of the trees.

"Snowflake, you know I can see you. Come out. Stop this hide and seek..... Daaaddddy's getting enough nowwww." He sings the last sentence.

Then suddenly a creek echoes through the forest.

She steps on the branch of the wood. She froze and looks down to see her foot on a dry branch.

"Shit" she whispers and looks up.

The whole forest went silent. Not even a single sound can be heard.

But then suddenly a loud and fast rustling of leaves echoes through the forest.

She knew Charles had found her. After all he is clever.

When, she hears the sound of footsteps approaching her, increasing with each second, she starts running.

"Snowflake, you can't out run me. You know that." He yells while running.

She knew he was right.

She stops and hides under the gap between the huge tree and rock.

She hides under it, perfectly enough to not get caught. The moment she hides, the sound of rustling stops.

She peeks to find Charles not too far from her. "Snowflake, I know you are playing hide and seek with me. I would, really, really love to play that. But right now, it's not a good time to play."

"Come out. It's Professor's orders. You don't want any punishments right? Come out." She could sense that he was getting irritated by now.

"Don't force me to get cruel Snow white. I have always hated that." He takes some steps.

Now she could see him right in front of her. There was some distance between them and was enough for her to see a gun tightly held in his hand, making his knuckles go white.

She moves back a little. The handcuff collides with the rock, making a small sound.

She quickly covers the handcuff with her hands to stop it. Charles immediately turns around to know the source of the sound. He looks here and there and continues to roam.

He roams over there, calling for her. Autumn tightly closes her mouth to not let any sniff come out of her mouth.

She was feeling really scared now. Sweat was dripping from her forehead mixing with her tears falling from her eyes. "Snowflake, I told you, I know every single tree in this forest. So, don't make me ask a tree. It's better if you come out yourself." He speaks, anger was visible in his voice.

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