Back to the old house

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"Wake up!" My mum shouts at me from my sleep, I groan getting up as my mum laughs at me. "It's not funny mum! I'm tired" I sigh. "Get ready for school" she said walking out of my room. Truth is I really don't want to go to school. I take a cigarette out of my drawer, walking to the window opening it smoking it as I listen to the birds sing. It's so relaxing. After I smoked my cigarette I closed my door and walked to the bathroom brushing my teeth, the doing my skin,care :etc.

"Mhmm what should I wear?" I thought to myself self looking in my closet, it's warm today but the wind is cold. I decided to wear a crop top, Jean's  and a zipper hoodie. After I leave my hair out since it looks good today.  "You're
gonna be late!" My mum yells.

I groan out of anger at my mum, she is pissed off at me because I skipped school, I don't care anymore, fuck my life. This has been the worst week I ever had and it's only the start of the year.  I snatch my backpack off the ground, then running down the stairs. "Smile" my mum said, I fake smile as she opens her mouth to speak, "better not skip school today bloom" she said in a serious tone. "I won't" I sigh putting my shoes on.

At school

It's lunch now, I sit on the table eating my food alone until I felt someone stare at me, I look around to see who is and it's Tom girlfriend. I had enough of this bitch so I open my mouth to speak. "The fuck are you staring at!" I yell at her as she gives me a dirty look. I'm gonna poke her eyeballs out soon. Suddenly I felt something warm all of me, I look up to see Tom laughing at me with his tray of food that he poured on me. "You cunt!" I scream at him as I look at my clothes,spaghetti all over me. The whole school started to laugh at me, I feel embarrassed.

"Think before you talk bad to my girlfriend" Tom laughs at me, I couldn't hold it in anymore I ran out of there as tears pour down my eyes. "Bloom!" I heard bills voice following me.

"What bill!" I cry, "I'm so sorry about my brother" he said with a guilty look on his face. "Bill look at me" I cry feeling disgusted as the feeling of food all over me.

"Let me help you, go take a shower in the school PE changing room and I will quickly go out of school to the mall and get you new clothes" he smiles, I smile at his kindness. Bill is so nice.

"Thank you" I smile as he walks me to the changing rooms, "take your time okay? Don't rush" he smiles before leaving.

I walk into the changing room seeing no one their, I quickly take off the dirty clothes throwing it in the trash since their is no use in them anymore, they are gonna be stained. I turn on the shower feeling the hot water hit my skin, I use the body wash,shampoo and conditioner the school gives you. It smelled so good it made me feel cleaner. It all smells like vanilla.

"I'm back!" Bill said from outside the door, he was quick. "Come in my door is closed" I say, I then heard the door open probably bill. Bill can't see me naked since I closed the shower door. "How long have I been?" I question bill since I lost track of time, "like an hour" he chuckles.

"I'm getting out anyways" I chuckle turning the shower off putting the towel around my body walking out seeing bill sitting on stalls.

"Here" he said handing me a a bag that said juicy couture. He got me something from juicy couture?! "Oh my god bill" I said suprised seeing a pink juicy couture tracksuit. "Do you like it?"he smiled, "I love it, but you should of gotten something cheaper" I said feeling guilty. "No don't worry I love getting you nice stuff" he smiles, "I'm gonna her changed now" I smile walking into the changing room. He even got me new thongs and bra from Victoria secret. I need to make it up to him he must of spent a lot of money.

"How do I look?" I said walking out as bill's eyes widen, "what?" I asked confused and embarrassed at bill's such sudden change of face. His face softens and he opens his mouth to speak. "Nothing you look beautiful" he smiles hugging me. "Thank you bill really, I'm gonna make it up to you" I smile.

"You can make it up to me by holding a secret of mine?" Bill now said sad, "what's wrong?" I ask worriedly, "bloom I'm bisexual and I like this guy" he said in a shameful voice. I feel happy for bill to be honest, he deserves a lover who will love him and take care of him. "What's wrong about that bill?" I sit next to him rubbing his back, "I'm scared to tell him I like him" he said as a tear fell down his face. My heart broke into pieces seeing him cry. "Bill I tell you what, you show me how he looks like in school and I will then help you get with him?" I smile tilting my head making him smile. "Really?" He smiles. "I would love to" I hug him. "Don't tell Tom please" he said as his smile dropped. "It's not like I even talk to him in-fact I hate him" I laugh making him giggle too.

"Let's go " bill said taking my hand as we heard the ring bell meaning lunch is over, we both walk out as students walk in the hallways to their classes, I felt everyone's eyes on me? "Bill why are they looking?" I asked worried. "Because you look sexy" he giggles making me blush. "You think I look sexy?" I smile.

"Yes" he laughs, "bloom" I heard his voice again making me groan. "What!" I scream turning around as he towers over me. "Tom don't talk to me" bill said in madness, "it was a joke" he sighs.

"It's wasn't a joke!" I said loosing my shit, "fine I'm sorry" he sighs, "Tom spit it out what do you want" I said knowing he doesn't give a fuck about me and he doesn't apologise so he definitely wants something. "Fine! Why are you wearing that, so many Poeple are look at your ass and boobs" Tom said frowning his eye brows. "You're not the boss me" I roll my eyes.

"Fine you asked for it" Tom said as his jaw clenched, he moved closer to me making me step back from fear, at the corner from my eyes I see the fire alarm, his hand touching it, "Tom don't you dare!" I say knowing this will probably flood the whole school. "Just did" he said as he presses it, suddenly water was spraying from the water pipes from the roof making everyone scream from the cold water.

"Tom!" I groan as I'm wet, bill looked pissed as well. "Tom and Bloom! Come to my office!" Said the head teacher as she was drenched in water just like the whole school. "Me?" I whisper to my self questioning what it has to do with me. I didn't press it!!!

(Shall I do a face reveal?)

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