"Ew never"

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I sit on my bed stretching since I just woke up, I get up from my bed walking to the bathroom turning the shower on, I walk out back to my room taking towel until I heard my phone ringing. I sigh walking to my bed taking my phone seeing its bill ringing me?

"Yes" I said in the nicest way possible, I'm mad about what happened last night, it's keep replaying in my mind! "Your mum is still at mine and she said to go school" he said, "okay" I nod.

"And she also told me to walk with you to school since she won't be taking you" bill said making me roll my eyes. It's not that I hate bill, he is nice but he looks so much like Tom and I might as-well punch him...but I will try to control my self.

"Okay sure pick me up in an hour" I said, bill then agreed and hanged up. I walk into the shower taking my clothes off walking in feeling the hot steamy water hit my skin, goosebumps start to raise at such a good feeling.

After shower

Today I'm not feeling my self much so I just put on joggers and a hoodie, putting my hair in a claw clip.

I heard a knock on the door of my bedroom, I figured out it's probably bill, I opened it seeing him again, I forgot he was sleeping here...

"What Tom" I sigh, "just came to tell you I'm leaving" he sighs. "I really don't care if you leave or not" I said pushing past him.

"Are you mad about yesterday?" He said making me stop walking, "like I said I don't care Tom" I groan, "good because you and me. It's never gonna happen" he chuckles.

"Get out please" I said walking down the stairs as he did to, the thing is I don't care about Tom,he just made me feel embarrassed...

"Hi" bill said walking in my house,"hey" I smile, "what's Tom doing here?" Bill raises a brow, "I don't know ask him" I said walking out of the house as bill follows me.

"Bloom don't tell me you guys.."he said walking with me as Tom locked the door, "oh god no bill" I said hiding my face in madness, "oh good" he sighs in relief. "Ew never" Tom said giving me a dirty look before throwing me my house keys.

"Tom where are you going?" Bill groans, "home I need to get changed" Tom said walking away the other direction.

"Want some?" Bill asked taking out a packet of cigarettes, "yeh" I said taking one lighting it up with bills lighter.

"I really don't want to go school" I groan, "let's not then" bill smiles. "What do you mean by that?" I asked tilting my head in confusion, "let's go to the mall?" Bill suggests, I think about it, I mean I hate school so why not?

"Let's go" I chuckle, "let's take the bus I'm too lazy to walk" bill said making me nod.

At the mall

"This is so cute" I groan looking at a crop top, "I will get you it" bill smiles taking it, "are you sure bill?" I said raising a brow, "yes come on" he laughs walking to place where to pay.

"Thank you" I hug him, "you're welcome" he smiles but suddenly his phone starts to ring. "Who is it?" I ask, "Tom" he said rolling his eyes. "Yes Tom?" Bill asked.

Bills PoV

"Where is bloom? And you!" Tom said in a pissed off voice, "at the mall why?" I groan, "because I was looking for you guys" Tom said again but more in a yelling voice, "fuck you tom" I laugh turning the call off, I love pissing my brother off.

End of PoV

Blooms PoV

"So?" I asked curious what Tom wanted, "it's nothing" bill smiles. "Where should we go now?" I tilt my head, "oh no" bill groans as a group of friends walk up to us, I recognise all of them. The most popular kids in our school also toms friend group and also his girlfriend....but I'm pretty sure he has more than 1.

"Hey bill do you know where Tom is?" Lucy asks, they are all nice to bill but not me, the dirty looks they are giving me but I did the same back to them.

"School" bill nods, "tell Tom I miss him" she smiles, "yeh will do" bill smiles back.

I sigh not wanting to be their so I walk away from them sitting on the fountain as they are literally stealing bill from me, it seems like bill doesn't like them though by the look on his face, the forced smile...

"Hey" I heard a boys voice making me turn to see a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, "hi" I smile being nice back.

"What are you doing here alone?" He smiles, "not alone" I said pointing at bill, "is he your boyfriend?" He asked, "oh no just a friend" I nod.

"BABE what are you doing with this girl?!" A random girl said coming up to us, seems like it's his girlfriend..."babe it's not like that" he said scared.

"Who do you think you are?" The girl said pushing me making me fall into the fountain Causing me to get wet, I get up all wet I was mad, the group of Tom's friends laughing at me as bill stars making his way to me but it was too late, my anger took over me as I start to pull the girls hair making her scream, I start to punch her as her boyfriend cheers for me?

"Your boyfriend came up to me!" I scream pushing her on the floor, it's really not my fault! I don't even know her boyfriend!!!

She got up pulling my hair, I kick her again making both of us fall in the ground as bill tries to stop the fight. Until I felt my self in someone's arms, I'm not on the ground anymore, I look up seeing Tom holding me over his shoulder. Why is he here!!

"Tom put me down!" I scream as people look at us, "bloom!" Tom groans still carrying me. I couldn't hold it on anymore I start to cry giving up as he continues holding me, today has been such a shit day. "Bill why didn't you stop the fight! Bloom is hurt now" Tom in madness. "I couldn't! You should have saw it, it was too much" bill shouts back.

"Oh god no" bill said as the police came up to us, Tom quickly puts me down as I am still wet, my nose is bleeding and I'm crying like a little kid.

"Are you the girl that was fighting?" The police officer asks, "yes" I said nervously. "You're good to go since the person who informed me about it said that you was attacked but if it happens again I won't let it slide" he nods.

"Thank you" I said walking away as bill and Tom follow me. "I'm so sorry bloom" bill said hugging me.

"I'm going home" I shrug my shoulders, "should we take you home?" Tom asks, "no I'm fine" I death stare him before walking away.

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