no secrets no drama

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"i have a bad feeling about this bill" i sighed as we walked into his room, it was clean and it smelled like his perfume. "oh don't be such a wussy bloom do you wanna know who peach is?" he says. "of course i do bill" i roll my eyes looking into tom's closet to find anything that will lead us to the peach girl. "I can't find anything" bill whines. "did you read the whole diary?" i raise a brow.

"no why?" bill tilts his head, "stupid boy maybe it says where he hides his shit!" i whisper yell, bill didn't say anything, he went under tom's bed and took out his  diary. we sit on the bed reading through it. damn never knew tom was such a lover boy. the whole book is just about her. "here" i stop bill from turning to another page where something caught my eye. we both opened our mouths to read it. 

"we were meant to bury our future and past in  my back yard but now its just me burying our memories. fuck you peach and your beautiful blue eyes" it wrote. damn she hurt him bad i thought to myself as bill puts it back to its place. "what's your theory on this?" bill says with a grin, I must admit, its obvious he dug up something in their back yard. "BRING OUT THE SHOVELS" I yelled as me and Bill ran down to the basement taking one each. "at least we have one clue on how she looks" i smirk as we make it to the back yard. "oh peach fuck you and your beautiful blue eyes" bill mocks making me laugh. "we shouldn't laugh bill maybe something serious happened" i say now feeling guilty. whatever happened must of hurt him badly we can't mock it. "yeah" bill agrees. "lets get to digging" i say taking my shovel already digging soon bill joined me. 


"bill this hole is huge and we still haven't found something" I say out of breath taking a break, this is torture, I'm starving, sweating and covered in mud. "AH!" bill scream jumping out of the huge hole, "WHAT IS IT!"  i scream. bill shows me a huge spider crawling on his arm. we both had  disgusted and scared faces. "sorry bloom but you know my fear of spiders" he suddenly says throwing his arm in the air. the spider flying in the air too. its like in slow motion now, me and bill knowing it will land on one of us. i scream at the sight of the spider landing on tom. when did he get here? he screams in horror as its on his shirt. "why are you standing there do something!" Tom whines in fear. Bill ran away somewhere while I tried to keep him calm by telling him dirty stuff. "the only way i can calm down is if you tell me dirty stuff" tom says now. "imagen Jessica alba showing you her amazing tits" i say and it really did work. what is wrong with this boy? bill suddenly  came with  fire Extinguisher spraying it all over tom. white covering him. 

"now explain why you guys digged up this huge hole!" tom yells now, i stayed quiet knowing bill can lie us out of it. "we wanted to bury our homework" bill says making roll my eyes. this is the worst lie a human could possibly ever make so much for lying our way out...yeh toms face does not look like he believes that. 

"after we all take a shower i want you guys to explain" tom scoffs walking into the house. "bill" i say stopping  him  from following tom, "bloom" bill says. "i don't think his secret is fresh i think it happened a long time ago that's why we didn't find anything. we need to go through the diary again and look at its date on the page" i say. bills face suddenly lit up. "it must be in the old house we used to live in. the back yard had a peach tree! this makes sense NOW!"   

"meaning peach is a nickname tom gave her!" "its not her real name. we must know her then" bill nods 

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