3- Killer

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The day that followed, I struggled to come to terms with what had happened. I couldn't shake the image of the elderly man's anguished expression as he fought for breath. I found myself plagued by doubt and sorrow, questioning whether my first day at work could have gotten easier.

The sun beat down mercilessly on the streets of Kamwokya where I decided to take a small walk..Mr. Ivan had informed me that we were going to be closed for two days so I decided to take a walk around my new home.

I was still trying to figure out my new community when I received a phone call from Jordan. He told me that he was at my place and needed to see me urgently..I rushed back to my apartment and right , Jordan stood infront of my room. He looked worried and didn't exude his usual calmness.  Something was surely up.

I walked closer to him and before I could say anything, he leaned in and  hugged me  before whispering into my ear, " Am sorry bro, I had no choice but to bring them here.I don't know  what happened but they pressured me to show them where you live."

"What on earth are you talking about?" I asked totally confused by what he was saying..
I was still trying to figure out what his weird words and look meant when certainly, I saw four men, clad in police uniform head my way.

"Mike Mugisha" one of the four men with a  moustache called me..
"Yes, that's me" I replied pulling on my most innocent face..
"We are police officers from the central police station. " He informed me pulling a police badge from his pocket before his three compatriots did the same .

Now my heart started beating. What on earth did cops want from me?
I was still confused when he started speaking again.

"You are under arrest for the murder of mzee Alphonse Biraro.
"Your free to remain silent , anything you say can and will be used against you in court." He added.

I was stunned and speechless , my heart pounded in my chest and I was unable to believe any  single word the police officer was telling me.

As the reality of the situation sank in, I realised that I was being accused of killing someone I had only known for a few minutes and  my only close friend had led the police to my home betraying me with a hug..

Holy shit.. am in some deep shit right  now.

The  officers  forcefully dragged me to their vehicle, a typical police pick up truck..I tried to resist but all in vain and before I could know, people had gathered and a  commotion broke out. 
"Let me go, I haven't done anything wrong, I haven't killed anyone."I yelled struggling against my captors who had now put me on handcuffs.

The crowd that had gathered to watch the spectacle murmured to themsleves shaking their heads in disapproval probably wondering why a young man like me was in so much trouble.

The policemen ignored the crowd and hashly dragged me away into their vehicle and before I could know I was at the police station..one officer held me by the trouser and threw me into a tiny lit cell before he shut the heavy metal door behind him.Ooh God, everything was happening so fast.

Inside the cell, I could hear the sounds of other prisoners in other cells shouting and cursing..I was soo doomed..

Alone in the darkness,  I sank to the floor, my heart racing in my chest. I knew I would have to face a harsh interrogation and probably torture before proving my innocence..
But most importantly, I needed someone to explain to me why these people that call themselves cops thought that I had killed the eldery man.

This was more than a nightmare, it was the worst thing I had ever imagined and the bad part is that it was real. I had no hope. My life was over.

Thanks for reading upto this point..an update will be posted as soon as possible.
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