12- Evil dead rise

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"Welcome to my place girls." I was finally able to start speaking.
"I don't know how you both decided to be my guests today.But am really happy to have you both." I added trying to hide my nervousness and excitement.

"Hey Amara."
"Hey Mimi. "

The girls whispered a greeting to each other before they each sat at the extreme ends of my small couch.
I could clearly see a look of discomfort on both their faces especially Amara.

" So, are we going to just sit here in silence." Amara finally protested..

"No,no. Let me hurry and get both of you something from the kitchen and we can watch a movie on Mimi's laptop." I said reassuring  her.

I felt a wave of panic wash over me as I stood in the kitchen, staring at the lone egg in my hand. It was at this moment that I knew I had fucked up.

I didn't buy more eggs and there was only one egg left in the tray. What on earth was I going to do.

With a deep breath, I cracked the egg into the flying pan and began to cook it. I hoped that the smell of this egg would reach the living room and distract the girls from the awkward tension that hung in the air.

I divided the one egg onto two plates and it was barely visible but its what I had.Afterall I had already received enough embarrassment so I had nothing left to lose.
I walked into the living room and guess what, Amara and Mimi were chatting and laughing, ooh God, how girls bond so fast.

" What did I miss." I asked laughing handing both their molecule for an egg.
" Am sorry girls.But I really forgot to restock eggs and I have nothing in the house right now." I tried to plead.

Both girls looked at me and burst out in laughter.
"See, I told you." Mimi reminded Amara smiling.
"I know." Amara said returning an equal grin.

"It's okay Mike. Amara ordered a pizza."
Mimi filled me in.

"Ooh, that's good.Thanks Amara. So, what are we watching." I said finally breathing.

"We are actually gonna watch a horror. Evil dead rise 2. We agreed when you were away."Amara informed me.
I took my place on the couch in between the two girls and the movie started playing.

The pizza was delivered moments after the movie started and I couldn't thank God more for saving me the embarrassment.

As the movie progressed, the three of us fell in a comfortable silence. Evil dead rise 2 was rumoured to be among the scariest movies of the year so I was filled with great anticipation.
As the movie unfolded further, I could clearly feel the tension in the room growing palpable. The three of us huddled closer together, jumping at every creek and groan coming from the zombies on the screen.

At one particular moment, a zombie chased one of the surviving humans and buried its teeth onto the flesh on his neck..Both Amara and Mimi let out a bloody scream before jumping and burying their faces in their hands. I couldn't help but laugh at my friends as much as I was equally scared.

As the movie reached climax, the surviving woman and child stood right there like heroes facing off against all the dead zombies. We all held our breath and credits began to roll up.
Amara turned to us with a wide grin.
" I can't believe we survived that movie. That was really amazing." She exclaimed.

Mimi just laughed, her earlier fears forgotten in the rush of adrenaline. "I have to admit that was fun. Maybe Zombies aren't so scary after all." She said with a new sense of bravery.

As for me.I was honestly happy feeling closer to both girls after sharing our fears together. It was a night to remember.

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