20- The aftermath

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It has been two weeks now since Mr.Ivan was arrested.  Together with the exceptional work of Tiffany's lawyers and the testimony of Veronica,  Mr.Ivan was arrested and convicted.  The goons who attacked us at the warehouse were caught on cctv cameras and were also arrested. The three thugs confessed to have been hired by Mr.Ivan to kill Veronica whose confession was a big threat to the latter.
Veronica confessed and I was also called to the witness stand and told the judge everything I knew from the day of the murder. Mr.Ivan, who was on the dock looked defenseless and his lawyers were confused because of the too much evidence convicting him.
He was found guilty and sentenced to twenty five years in prison.

The reason why Mr.Ivan wanted the old man dead remained a mystery to everyone including Tiffany. However, after the conviction,  Tiffany told me that my work was over. They thanked me and said that they had achieved what they wanted. They promised to keep supporting me for that semester  but told me that I had to cater for my own needs the next semester since my job was over.

As much as I never got to know who Tiffany was, I was soo thankful to them. I hoped to meet them one day and thank them for everything. This secret benefactor had given me a new life.They had said my sponsorship was over but I wasn't worried, I knew I was going to find a way to stay in school.

Anyways, away from Tiffany, things have been really weird with Amara lately. After the night we kissed, she has  not been attending class or picking my calls. She has been soo rare and its just weird.  The few times I have seen her around, she greeted me casually like nothing ever happened and I didn't know how to push for such a conversation.  She just disappeared on me and I didn't know what to do.

Mimi on the other hand has been my comforter who has been there for me. I have told her every happening and she's always listening. Her easy smile, her kind heart and infectious laughter have captured my attention every time we are together. Everybody needs  a Mimi in their life.

I know she said she was over me, but I doubt it. The way she looks at me says otherwise. She was always there for me, leaving her friends to spend time with me, supporting me in my ups and downs and being the rock when I needed it most.
I really appreciated Mimi's friendship more than words could express but my heart couldn't shake the feelings I had for Amara.

On the other hand, I was curious about Tiffany's identify at times. There's this time I went to the bursar's office to try and find the name of who paid my fees but it was all in vain, she said she wouldn't disclose such information.
Days without proper communication with Amara and no Tiffany missions are quite boring though. Its now typical studying and Mimi.


Thanks for reading upto this point my friends. We are coming to the end of our book soon.The next chapter reveals the identity of Tiffany. I hope your enjoying.  In the comments,  guess who Tiffany is. Let's see who gets it right. Also, which girl would you choose if you Mike, Amara or Mimi. Thanks

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