19- Veronica's fate

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I didn't know that one single mistake would cost me everything but it looked most likely the case today. I think the biggest mistake I made in my investigation was telling Mr.Ivan about my witness Veronica. I thought that telling him would help soften him and get more information from him but that wasn't likely the case. Veronica  called me earlier claiming that some people she didn't know had been following her for days, moving around her house and she didn't feel safe anymore.

Perplexed,  I asked her  to meet me at an abandoned warehouse near her home since it would be unsafe in her house. We were to discuss what to do especially if we should  go on with the initial plan of confessing to the police. One week earlier,  I had asked Veronica if she would be willing to testify against Mr.Ivan if need arouse and she agreed. I texted Tiffany for advice but they didn't reply so I did everything on my own.

The moon cast its silvery glow over the warehouse, the air was calm but something felt off. I was the first one to arrive and Veronica came some minutes later.
I greeted the old woman and  we talked. We agreed to go straight to the police the next morning if Tiffany agreed.

We were still talking when three masked figures, carrying a panga each, closed in on us from the front, their eyes glittering with malice.  I immediately knew that these men were evil and were after me and  Veronica. I knew I had to act fast if we were to escape this deadly situation.

Veronica was old and I couldn't fight three men alone so I knew the only way to survive was to run.

Without hesitation, I grabbed Veronica's hand and pulled her towards a nearby alleyway, our footsteps echoing off the cold concrete walls.
The sound of the murderers' boots pounding behind us only fueled our urgency.

As we rounded a corner, I spotted a rusty fire escape ladder leading up to the rooftops. Without a second thought, I hoisted myself up, pulling Veronica up after me. The murderers' shouts grew closer as they scrambled up the ladder, their fingers gripping the rungs tightly.

Reaching the rooftop, We dashed across the uneven surface, Veronica's breath coming in ragged gasps. The moonlight illuminated our path as we weaved between air conditioning units and satellite dishes, Kampala city skyline stretching out before us like a maze of shadows.

But the murderers were relentless, their footsteps echoing ominously on the rooftop behind us. With a burst of adrenaline, I spotted a narrow gap between two buildings, barely wide enough for us to squeeze through. Without hesitation, I grabbed Veronica's hand and led her through the tight space, their hearts pounding in unison.

As we emerged on the other side, the sounds of pursuit faded into the distance. We  had managed to evade our attackers, at least for now. Catching our breath, We huddled against the cold brick wall, my eyes scanning the darkened alley below for any sign of danger.

Veronica clutched my arm tightly, her eyes wide with fear and gratitude. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I don't know how to repay you."

My gaze softened as I looked at the old woman beside me. I had seen the determination in her eyes when she agreed to testify against the evil manager. She had more courage than most people half her age.
"We're in this together," I said, my voice steady and reassuring. "We'll find a way out of this."

And with that promise hanging in the air, Veronica and I set off into the night, our footsteps echoing off the empty streets as we sought refuge from the darkness that threatened to consume us. Both of us agreed that it was wise for Veronica to spend the night at my place as we decided on what to do in the morning.

Fortunately,  we reached my apartment safely and I immediately texted Tiffany and luckily they were online. I told them everything that had happened and they thanked  me . Tiffany guaranteed my safety for the night by sending two private security guards over to my hostel for the night. They promised that me, Veronica and their lawyer were going to the police the next morning to report Mr.Ivan for murder of the old man.

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