2- Terror in the hotel.

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As I carefully put on my white shirt and  black trousers, I couldn't help but feel a surge of  excitement mixed with some nervousness .This was my chance to be a man.
Anyways, I wore polished black shoes and tucked in the shirt neatly before  adding the black apron as I was instructed.
I made my way to the hotel and I was greeted by the manager,a stern middle aged man named Mr.Ivan, who wasted no time in giving me a rundown of my duties.

"Welcome to our team, Mike." Mr.Ivan began, his voice firm but encouraging.
"As a waiter, you will be the face of Equity hotel. Your job is not just about serving food and drinks, its about providing a remarkable and unforgettable dining experience for our guests."
I nodded eagerly, absorbing every word he said as if it was a key to my success.
Mr.Ivan went on to give me further instructions and with each instruction, I felt a surge of determination coursing through me. I was ready to take on this challenge and prove myself to be a valuable member of this hotel staff.

There weren't many customers in the morning and the few that got in were attended by the senior experienced waiters.

The first person I was assigned to serve was an elderly gentleman who seemed to be in his mid-60's.
As soon as I saw him get in at the entrance, I gently walked towards him and just as I was taught, I greeted him warmly, smiling as much as I would fake. I then led him to a table and  asked him to have a sit.
The man's distinguished appearance  and kind smile immediately put me at ease.
"Welcome to Equity Hotel sir, How may I assist you today?" I asked trying to maintain a professional demeanor despite my nervousness.
The old man smiled at me and replied.
" I'll just have a bottle of still water, please?"

"Ofcourse sir, I'll be right back with that for you." I said with a nod before swiftly making my way to the kitchen to fulfil the order.
As I retrieved a chilled bottle of water from the refrigerator, I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility settle over me. It was my first chance to demonstrate my ability to provide special service.
Just as I was about to bring the water to the table, Mr. Ivan who had been watching on intercepted me.

"Mike, hold on a moment," Mr. Ivan said in a hushed tone. "That gentleman looks quite classy. We need to offer him a better brand of water." Mr.Ivan said, handing me a bottle of Rwenzori premium water while he grabbed the one of Ice standard water I was holding.
Confused but wanting to follow my manager's instructions, I took the bottle of Rwenzori to the gentleman's table.
I carefully poured the water into a crystal-clear glass and placed it infront of the gentleman, ensuring that everything was just right.
The man looked pleased and  thanked me before taking a sip. As he enjoyed his drink, he struck up a conversation with me, asking about my background and how I ended up working at a hotel. I found myself sharing my story to the oldman and surprisingly, he listened  intently, offering words of encouragement and wisdom.

As I returned to the kitchen,Mr.Ivan approached me with a smile, " Well done Mike, you handled that customer with grace and poise. I think you're going to do just fine here."

I beamed with pride knowing that I had
made a positive impression on my first customer and earned the respect of my manager. I walked with soo much joy as I went to use the wahrooms.

My heart pounded in my chest as I made my way back to the table after my quick trip to the washroom.But as I approached, a  wave of horror washed over me. The elderly man who was sitting there with me just moments ago was now clutching his throat, his face turning a sickly shade of blue.

Panic surged through me as I realised that the man was suffocating. Without hesitation, I ran over to the table shouting for help. I was the first to reach the table and immediately started performing the Heimlich maneuver, desperately trying to dislodge whatever was blocking the man's airway.  The other diner's in the hotel looked on in shock as commotion unfolded.

Despite my frantic efforts to save the old man, it was too late. The old man's body went limp and a sense of loss settled over us. Mr.Ivan called the paramedics but there was nothing they could do. The man had passed away right there at the table.

I was in a state of shock and disbelief. I couldn't comprehend what had just happened. The day had taken such a tragic turn. The interesting eldery man who had been my interesting first customer had died right before my eyes.
The manager Mr.Ivan immediately ordered us all to leave after the incident and closed the place.

I got to my apartment and went straight to bed as I didn't know what to imagine.
I couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt that gnawed at me. I wondered if I had missed something or if there is something else I could have done to prevent the tragedy. The weight of the incident hung on my shoulders and I  found it difficult to find any sleep the entire night.

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