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Welcome to the ThatHermitWeirdo Oneshot Writing Contest Extravaganza ™!

Basically a celebration contest of sorts where I get to see what you have to offer, see your skills, and shine a spotlight on some smaller creators and writers who deserve some love!

Anyway, here is the basics. It's a oneshot writing competition, simple as that. However, there is a bit of a twist. I have written three oneshots, each ending on a cliffhanger, in need of a part two! Your job is to pick one of these oneshots and end the story!

I have written oneshots set in season six, seven, and eight of Hermitcraft, meaning that even if you haven't watched the newer seasons, you can still join in on the competition!

You can twist the story as much as you'd like, adding new characters, ships, anything that you want. I love seeing my ideas taken and put in a perspective that I haven't thought of before, so I hope this contest will give me a new set of ideas and inspiration from all of you.

You can also write as many submissions as you like! You can write just one, or one for each oneshot!

NOTHING IS OFF-LIMITS! Impress me with your writing skills, creativity, or even just twists in the story. I'll be reading every single submission and judging them on the writing flow, how well it fits with the original, creativity, and so much more!

THIS CONTEST ENDS ON THE 30th OF MARCH (Extensions may be given out)

Any questions? DM me! I'm happy to help out whenever!

Once the oneshot is completed, you will either mention me in an @ or post the link here, and I will read over it and rank it privately. I would HIGHLY recommend posting it in the comments, so that other competitors can read your oneshot! The top three winners will be revealed when the submission date is over!

Third place will receive a custom oneshot of about 2000-3000 words. I will write whatever you'd like! It can be private or posted publicly!

Second place will receive an artwork commission! It will most likely be an OC/drawing of you, though further details will be discussed with the winner.

First place will get both of these rewards! Best of both worlds!

Hopefully this inspires you to join the contest!

Alright, enough of that. Now time for the oneshots!

ThatHermitWeirdo Oneshot Writing ContestWhere stories live. Discover now