And the winners...

40 3 11

Hello all!

I've finally finished up my grading, as there were surprisingly less entries than I remembered (no one even wrote for the season seven oneshot, which was my personal favorite-)

But it was so nice to read and see everyone's writing style and ideas really come to life! And hey, even though this is all over, if anyone writes more oneshot continuations, let me know. I'd really love to read them, even if they aren't for a prize!

I know everyone always says this and it's cheesy, but everyone did really great. All oneshots scored at least 7/10, which is pretty great in my eyes. And I'm the judge so that means everyone did great, gold stars all around.

But you aren't here for imaginary stickers (at least, I don't think you are). Nono, you are all here to find out who won. So let's see, starting with third place:


Now, I was talk about what I loved from the winning oneshots, but then I thought that was stupid. Not because they aren't good! But because why would you listen to me explain it, when you can go and read it! This whole contest wasn't just for fun, but for others to check out lesser known writers and all their amazing works! So, what are you waiting for??? GO! Go read the delicious Mumbo angst!

And Sully, as you won third place, you get a custom oneshot! It can be anything you like, private or public, whatever you'd like! Either DM me or post a comment about what you'd like and I'll get right on it!

Now to second place


A lot of what I loved about this oneshot was Mumbo mystery, but that's all I'll say. Once again, go read! Go check out their continuation!!

Tigerlily, you win a custom art piece done by me! Once again you can comment or reach out through DMs. I'm not the greatest artist in the world, but hey, I (think) I can draw! So whatever you'd like, just let me know!

And finally, our first place winner.

Oooo who could it be suspense


Congrats on the win! Please go check out their oneshot! It was super great :-) I would love to go on about what I liked in all the oneshots, but I think that would ruin the fun of reading them for yourself.

Ember, you win both a custom oneshot and a custom art piece! Reach out in DMs or comment to let me know what you'd like.

And once more, thank you all for everyone who participated! You all did awesome! Please go check out everyone who participated and read their oneshots!

Thanks for joining, and have a great week :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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ThatHermitWeirdo Oneshot Writing ContestWhere stories live. Discover now