Season Eight Oneshot

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Xisuma opened his eyes.

They were filled with nothing but red.

He did he get here again? And what was going on...? The admin tried to place a hand on the side of his head, only to be zapped by a spark of red electricity that was shooting off his helmet. The electricity caused a tingle to spread the admin's fingers, making it hard to move. It spread up his arm and towards his neck, before infecting his brain with an odd tingle that made everything seem slow and quiet.

"There, there, my poor axolotl. Just relax." A calming voice cooed the static of his thoughts.

Xisuma listened to the voice's instructions, relaxing in his seat as his eyelids became heavier and heavier. Something about the voice was so interesting, it held the admin's attention, which was the one thing that kept him from drifting off to sleep. Everything else just faded into the background, having no importance.

"You're going to help me expand the evil empire, aren't you?" The voice asked, before letting out a low chuckle. "Who am I kidding, you don't have any choice in the matter."

Xisuma's skin tingled, like electricity was running through his blood, causing the hairs on his arms to stand on end. He tried to stand, but the admin was forcibly pushed back into his seat, a groggy groan managing to break through his lips.

"Ah-ah. Not yet, my friend. Just relax and let me take care of everything."

That sounded...nice. Gosh, it was so hard to think, he could barely remember his own name. Was that something he was supposed to remember? He wasn't sure, everything was just so confusing.

"Oh, dear brother, you're too easy to fool. And to think, you really thought that I would give up my evil ways."

Brother? He had a brother? Xisuma couldn't remember much, with more and more slowly leaving his head. Everything in his mind was melting into mindless nonsense, as his memories began to rapidly fade. The things in his head were just so blurry and distant, it was hard to hold on.

Another small groan slipped out of his lips, Xisuma no longer able to keep his eyes open as he was pulled deeper and deeper into a mindless bliss. The tingling sensation throughout his body only got stronger, as the admin's resistance grew weaker and weaker.

"It's almost over, just be good and stay still for me. Once I take care of you, the rest of the hermits will be a breeze."

The words flowed through one ear and out the other, Xisuma unable to process the voice of his brother. Nothing was left in his head, all had been removed, leaving the admin as nothing more than a mindless zombie.

Ex smiled to himself, pulling the lever to stop the electricity that was frying Xisuma's brain. Red sparks flew around his head, the admin's eyes managing to lazily crack open.

Xisuma stood up, his arms dangling limp at his side. He placed a hand on the side of his head, blinking a few times. The red in his eyes faded away, though his gaze remained dull and somewhat empty. "Oh." He said, noticing Ex standing off to the side. "Hello. Sorry, I guess I dozed off for a second."

"That's fine." His brother smirked, "As long as you're ready to get to work."

Work. The word seemed to trigger something in Xisuma, his eyes briefly flashing red. "Yes.." He muttered slightly, shaking his head to come back to the present. "T-that's right, work. I work on the empire." X blinked, looking to his brother for guidance through the confusion he felt.

Evil Xisuma chuckled, walking up to his brother and wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "That's right, my axolotl friend. You need to work very hard and get all the Hermits involved. All of them need to be buying DerpCoin."

"Yes...DerpCoin." He blinked away the red in his eyes, though they remained confused and uncertain.

"You and I are going to rule this server, aren't we?" Ex had a growing smirk across his face, watching as his brother mindlessly nodded along with his words. Xisuma was a dumb little puppet, left with an empty head that was waiting to be filled with commands.

"Uh huh." X responded, a bit lost as he spoke. His brother cackled.

"Now that you're out of my way, I can do anything I'd like." His brother's evil grin spread across his face, Ex placing a hand on the side of Xisuma's helmet. "You won't mind if I cause a bit of destruction, hm? Take over the world?"

"Not at all." The admin shook his head, his eyes empty while his voice remained hollow.

"Ha! I should've done this years ago! Now that you're out of my way, I can do whatever I'd like!" Evil Xisuma laughed, his voice echoing off the walls of the tower. His brother stood off to the side, smiling without a care.

His eyes were filled with nothing but red.

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