Very Late Valentine's Special

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It was Valentine's Day. Liam's favorite holiday. Because he isn't single. Otherwise the holiday was the worst and he couldn't stand all the couples walking around the school. Liam woke up Valentine's Day with all four Cullen boys standing in front of his bed. Carlisle had a bouquet of roses, Edward was holding a classic heart-shaped box full of chocolate, Jasper was holding a card, and Emmett had a life-size teddy bear in his arms. Liam smiled at all of them, and his face started turning red. 

"Happy Valentine's Day, baby," Carlisle said. Liam smiled and grabbed the roses that Carlisle handed to him. Liam wrapped his arms around Carlisle's neck for a kiss. Carlisle smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Liam's waist. 

"Okay, that's enough. It's our turn to give him our gifts," Edward interrupted. Liam and Carlisle pulled away from each other. Carlisle pulled Liam into his lap while the other boys moved closer to the bed. Jasper moved next and handed Liam the card made by all the boys. 

Liam smiled up at Jasper before opening the card. The card was well written and made Liam tear up from the words written by his boyfriends. Jasper came over to Liam before wrapping him in his arms. Carlisle leaned away so Jasper could hug Liam.

"Sorry," Liam sniffed and wiped his eyes.

"Don't be sorry, baby," Jasper said before giving Liam a kiss and sitting down next to him on the bed.

Edward came over and handed Liam the box of chocolates.

"Ooh, chocolate!" Liam reached over for the chocolates before opening the box and stuffing his face with the delicious treats.

The boys chuckled at him before Carlisle took the chocolates away from him.

"Okay, baby, you're going to get sick," Carlisle said and placed the box on the bedside table.

Liam pouted and looked at Carlisle before turning to Emmett with a smile on his face.

Emmett smiled at Liam before tossing the giant bear at him. Liam let out a string of laughs and gripped the bear in his arms. The bear was bigger than Liam, so his arms were only hugging half of the bear. Where the boys got this giant bear, Liam would never know. The boys let out laughs as the bear covered Liam's body. The younger Cullens were laughing particularly hard because Liam was still on top of Carlisle which meant Carlisle was also being squished by the giant bear.

"Alright, alright. Get this bear off of me," Carlisle's muffled voice came out from under Liam and the bear. Liam quickly rolled over with the bear still in his arms and laid on top of the bear with a giant smile on his face. 

"I think the bear was his favorite if I do say so myself," Emmett smirked. "Which I do." 

The Cullen boys just stared at Emmett with flat faces. Emmett just shrugged with a smirk before picking Liam up along with the bear. 

"Alright, I'm taking Liam and you can't do anything about it," Emmett said before rushing out of Liam's room and into his room. 

Emmett threw Liam onto the bed before jumping onto him. The bear laid beside them on the bed, almost falling to the floor. "Happy Valentine's Day, baby," Emmett said and placed his lips onto Liam's. 

Emmett placed his hands on Liam's hips, softly rubbing his thumbs across his hip bone. Liam ran his fingers through Emmett's hair, their lips still connected. 

"E-Emmett," Liam whimpered. "What about the others? Shouldn't I be spending time with the others as well?"

"Don't focus on them, baby" Emmett whispered against Liam's lips. "It's my turn with you for now."

Emmett placed his lips on Liam's again and gripped his hips gently. Liam's lips were extremely soft from the strawberry chap stick he continuously uses throughout the day. Emmett couldn't seem to get enough. 

The door burst open and Alice came running in. 

"Liam! I need you for a second!" Alice shouted. "Help me pick out my dress for my date tonight!"

Emmett glared at Alice with a frown on his face. 

"Couldn't you see we were busy, Alice!" Emmett kept his hands where they were while Liam embarrassingly tucked his face into Emmett's chest. 

"I don't care! I need help!" Alice came over to Emmett's bed and grabbed Liam's hand before taking him out of the room. 

"DANG IT, ALICE!" Emmett yelled before his froze. "Wait, Alice has a date?"

Umm.. sorry I haven't updated in so long. I really don't have the motivation to write but I will continue to write. This book just probably won't be uploaded as often as it was. 

Shameless Plug - If you like The Outsiders, I have an Outsiders book (with male oc) and I'm currently writing a Dally x Male!OC book if you want to read that. 

Have a great day/evening/night

Lots of luv


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