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"GET OUT RIGHT NOW". Taehyung scream his eyes were red burning in anger

"Taehyung listen to m- ."Jennie was saying but Taehyung cut her off in middle look at his secretary

"Take her out of here if you want your job."Taehyung to his secretary as she nodded and take Jennie out of the office and come back in

"She is fired ,tell her to take her things and leave ,and send her termination letter t9 her house till evening i don't want her in my company tomorrow morning ,GOT IT ."he said and she just nodded and left the room

Taehyung limped back to his chair ,closed his eyes and flashback come to his mind

Her giggles ,her cutely getting angry on him ,her smile ,her hugs ,her kissing him in the morning and kissing him in the night ,her saying i love to him ,her being excited for little , her being happy on his little gestures

But everything went up side down

Nothing is same again as before

Jennie got home crying in of what she saw in office or whom she saw, her love of her life , the one she thought she'll live her rest of her life with but it didn't happen the way she wanted

Jennie looked at the clock it was 09:24 there is still time to pick up Ryun from his school

She sitting thinking about something when her door bell rings ,she got up to open the door

An envelope was lying on her front door mat she pick it up thinking who can be this from

She opens it and read it was her termination letter , she start crying after reading it ,how is going to pay Ryun school fee ,how is she going to give house rent and what food and some other important things

Jennie need started looking for jobs ,she made lunch time went by and it was time to pick up Ryun from school she got ready and make sure she doesn't look like that she cry

Cause if Ryun knows that she cry he be worried and start crying him self because he very sensitive about Jennie which remind her of Taehyung when they were together

She arrived at school all the kids were going home with their parents ,few seconds looking around she found Ryun with a little girl taking to her

He saw her and ran towards her she bend down open her arms as he hugged her so titty ,she kisses his temple

"You're looking happy baby did you have fun today "Jennie said he nodded excitingly with his wide boxy smile

"Yes mommy and i even made a friend in morning she is here , Ella come."Ryun tell her and wave at Ella to come over she came and bowed at

"Hello my name Kim Ella and whats yours ."she said 5hat Mame remind her of something but shrug off and smile at her

"My name is Jennie Kim sweetie." She give Jennie her gummy smile. "Awe you're so cute ."

"Mommy she have gummy smile you mommy."Ryun said both Jennie and Ella give their gummy smile together

"Can i call you mommy too please cause i don't have a mom ,so can please ??"she ask so cutely with her puppy eyes that melts jennies heart

"Sure baby you can and that way Ryun will get a sister cause he always wanted one ."Jennie said as both Ryun ad Ella together in happiness watching then happy makes Jennie happy

"Yey ,i got sister ."

"And i got a brother ."

"Well , i think it's time to go home Ryun ." Jennie said Ryun nodded his head looked at Ella and said

Taennie One Shot Where stories live. Discover now