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"Lisa I'm not going. Taehyung won't like it." She has been denying her and her five other friends as if they would listen to her.

"Why would you think that. Taehyung Himself invited to you. So why are saying that he won't like it if you go to his birthday party?" Rosé said as she sat beside her.

"He only invited me cause he said the whole class is invited to his party and apparently we are in the same class so, and he doesn't want to look bad in front of everyone." Jennie replied with a sad tone." He barely even say hi to me in the university."

Taehyung doesn't like Jennie. He doesn't say hi or sometimes doesn't even looks at her he ignores her like as if she is invisible or a ghost.

He doesn't bully her but also doesn't help her if she is getting bullied .But he has his reason for his behaviour.

"And he is right in his place if he ignores me cause I'm not a higher class like you guys, not rich like you guys. Not beautiful,sexy and attractive like those girls." She said pain and sadness was visible in her eyes. No one likes her university except for Lisa, rosé , jisoo , Irene and nayeon.

"He will learn his lesson one day but right now you listen to us and come with us to Taehyung's birthday party pretty please hmm ?" Irene said Taehyung is her brother. But both are the complete opposite of each other not like each other.

Finally Jennie agreed to come to party with them. But she wasn't happy about it.


Finally the day of the party has arrived . They all got ready and went to pick up Jennie . They arrive at her house and ring the bell after 10 seconds the door opens revealing Jennie.

"Oh my goodness Jennie you look so.... I don't have word to describe you. Taehyung's gonna regret ignoring you for all this time." Irene said making Jennie blush and playfully rolled her eyes.

Jennie was wearing a brown sparkling dress that came to her mid thigh and one sided net that came to her ankle with matching ballerina shoes with straight hair with almost no makeup.

"Come we all know that is not going to happen. Taehyung will regret ignoring me will never ever happen!" She said with pain in her voice." Come let's go before we get late."

They all nodded got in the car and drove to Taehyung's house. They arrive after 20 minutes. Indeed he was rich his house was really big almost like a mansion.

They got in it was beautifully designed and decorated with balloons DJ, side bar and a lot of other things it does look like a good expensive party.

"Jimin guys over here!" Rosé waved at him and other and they all walk towards them a d give their girlfriends hugs .

"Lisa and the girls don't be jealous but to be honest noona is looking beautiful among all of you guys." Jungkook said and all the boys agree with him.

"That's what we said to her. To be honest sometimes I wish I was a boy so I can date her!" Lisa said making others shock and Jennie blush and shock at the same times at her words.



"What? I'm serious guys. Jungkook you tell me if I doesn't exist wouldn't you date Jennie?" She asked him with a serious face.

"Not gonna lie but yeah I would." And others nodded that makes Jennie look like a red tomato.

"Guys! Stop! You guys are embarrassing me!" She said making all laughed at her cuteness.

Taennie One Shot Where stories live. Discover now