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"Stop Jennie! Enough is enough!" Taehyung burst on his girlfriend, they have been in a relationship for 2 years.

"But I'm not saying anything wrong!" Jennie said calmly to her boyfriend who was yelling without any reason.

"Nothing wrong! You are telling me to stop being friends with my very good and very long friend!" He again yelled at her and she just rolled her eyes.

"And your EX-girlfriend too!" She said statistically making sure to highlight the 'Ex' to him .

"Yeah. so what! We were ex's,but before that we were friends and you can't tell me to be friends with whom and whom not." Taehyung said burning in anger.

"So you are fighting with me for your friend or lets say you Ex-girlfriend huh!" She said with tears in her eyes which he ignored.

"Yes. Cause you are saying something that doesn't make any sense!" He said." And she and I are friends before you even come in the frame. And I don't even know why I left her and love you. You are so annoying she is way better than you!"

And those words make her cry . She was so hurt that her two year relationship boyfriend is fighting with her for his
ex girlfriend .

"Okay then , if she is that important to you more than me then I think we should just stop this, I don't see a point to get going. Let's break up!" She removed the promise ring he made her wear on their first anniversary And that's when Taehyung released what was happening. What he just said

"Jenn-." He was about to say something but she cut him off.

"But please I have a request. Just take her out on a date and tell her that you broke up with me cause you love and ask her how she felt when you were in a relationship with me and listen to her answer what she will say." She paused and continued." Then think what I was asking you was wrong, please. And if you find the truth don't ever show me your face."

With that she left his apartment with tears streaming down to her face. He just stares at the promise ring in his hand.

Taehyung and Jennie are actors and are in a relationship for 2 now. Jennie is a singer too. Taehyung ex Aria is the reason why they were fighting. Aria still loves Taehyung and hates Jennie cause she was dating Taehyung. She always tried to make Jennie down but always failed.

Jennie was telling to stop being with Aria cause she knows that Aria wants her and Taehyung to break up with each other. But Taehyung wasn't agreeing.

And she succeeded.

Three of them were working on the same drama and Aria is Taehyung's love interest in the drama and they also have a little intimidated scene.

And anyone can tell that Aria likes Taehyung at first glance. But Taehyung can't.


Two months have passed and they didn't talk to each other. Taehyung was laying on the bed thinking what Jennie said to him before their break up.

And when he told his friends about this they all said the same thing, that Jennie had told him about Aria , so he thought to give it a try.

He invited her on a date and to his surprise she immediately agreed without saying anything.

"So , why did you suddenly invite me on a date with you?" She asked as she took a bite of the steak.

"Actually I broke up with Jennie. Cause I have realised that I never loved her. She was so annoying and clingy, I realised that i love someone else. I love my best friend.I still love you Aria !"

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