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Religion ~ Lana Del Rey

Religion ~ Lana Del Rey

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Enchanted Forest
A long time ago

Leaves screeched under Evelyn's feet as she walked trough the woods. It had been almost an entire year since she had left her home and her mother. Throughout the year she had traveled a lot, she never stayed in one place for too long. She carried with her only what she truly needed and moved mainly by foot or with some people she met along the way. She had to give up her horse not so long ago. She needed more money and the only way to do that was to give it up.

A few months earlier she had met someone that gave her something she had kept the whole time, a bean. The short man was wearing a red hat when he tried to rob her. She had trained with her brother her whole childhood, so she knew well how to fight, so she easily managed to get her bag back, which he had taken, and also take his red hat.

For some reason that hat meant a lot to him so he decided to make a deal with her. He had two beans and he told her that they were portals to go to other lands. For the past year Evelyn still hadn't managed to find her true self, let alone her true love, so maybe what she needed was to go to another land. So, she took one of the beans and gave him back the red hat. She had never been able to use that bean, though. She only kept it as a plan B, for when she'll be ready to leave that land.

So, what she was searching for was a way to travel the world without needing to use a magic bean to go to another land: a ship.

She slowly walked closer to the dock where she had been directed to for the past few days. She looked at all the ships until her eyes landed on the biggest one and a small smile formed on her face. She looked around herself until she spotted a tavern filled with people and a plan started forming in her mind. She needed to find out whose ship that was.

She started walking to the tavern and once she was inside the smell of alcohol and the loud sound of drunken laughter welcomed her inside. She looked around as she removed her hood, leaving her with her usual clothing she had been wearing for the past year. A white blouse with a light brown corset on top while on the bottom half of her body she wore a pair of dark brown leather pants and a pair of black high boots.

She slowly walked to the counter and ordered a bottle of rum as she kept looking around. Once she got her drink she fully turned around as she took a sip and a smile formed on her face as she spotted a man. She couldn't deny that he was rather handsome. He was wearing a black leather coat with matching black leather pants. He had dark hair and a not too thick beard. He was drinking what she assumed to be rum as he talked with some other men, his crew.

She hadn't seen many pirates in her life, but she could recognise some when she saw them. And if she found pirates that meant that she could also find a ship.

She placed her drink on the counter and she moved her hands to loosen a bit her corset. She took a deep breath before picking up the bottle of rum and finishing her drink with one big sip. Then she turned around and slowly started walking to the pirate. He still hadn't noticed her until she stopped right in front of the table he was at.

"I'm sorry, is this seat taken?", she asked trying to put on her best flirty voice. The man took in her appearance as a big smirk formed on his face, it must have been the alcohol but he had never seen such a beautiful woman.

"No, no it isn't, lass", he told her with a smirk and she smiled as she went to sit beside him, hearing a few of the men he was talking with chuckle at the interaction.

"Care for a drink?", he asked her with a smirk.

"Of course", she replied matching his smirk, noticing how his arm went to move around her shoulders. He called a waiter and ordered a bottle of rum, like she had guessed, and within seconds they had their glasses full.

"So, what's a lass like you doing in a bar full of dirty pirates?", he asked her as he gave her a glass.

"I'm actually searching for something", she replied as she took a sip.

"And what is it?", the man asked as he took a sip from his own glass.

"A ship", she told him with a small smile.

"And why would you need a ship?", he asked her curiously.

"Well, I've been travelling for a long time on land and I would love to do it on the sees, but to do that I need to find a ship that could take me where I want to go", she explained, not entirely lying.

"Well, you're in luck. Captain Killian Jones, at your service", he introduced himself with a smirk.

"You're a Captain?", she asked him as she leaned closer as she slowly put her glass back on the table. She could easily handle alcohol, but she couldn't risk to get drunk. She needed her mind to be clear.

"Oh, yeah, I am. And I can take you wherever you want to go", he told her barely over a whisper as he leaned even closer, their faces inches from each other.

"Could you show me the ship? I think I saw it before coming into this tavern and if it's the one I think it is then it looks great from outside, I wonder if it's the same inside", she told him trying to make her voice sound as flirty as she could.

"Why, of course, lass", he replied with a soft chuckle as he slowly stood up and offered her his hand. She took it and followed him as he led her out of the tavern.

As they walked he wrapped his arm around her waist and if she didn't only need him for her plan, Evelyn wouldn't have ignored how her heart started beating faster for a brief second.

She walked with him until they reached the biggest ship of all the other ones at the dock, the one she had seen before.

He led her to the bridge that led to the deck, then he stopped and turned to look at her.

"It really is beautiful", she told him with a smirk as she looked around.

Killian slowly brought up his left hand and placed it under her chin to turn her face to look at him.

"You know, the Captain's quarters are the best part", he said with a flirty tone as he leaned closer.

"Lead the way", Evelyn told him softly and he smirked at her. As he turned around, his hand still wrapped around hers, Evelyn moved her free hand to take something from the back of her pants, her knife.

She waited a few seconds before she raised her knife and forcefully brought it down, the back of it connecting with his head. Killian didn't even have time to react as he fell unconscious on the deck floor.

Evelyn looked at him as she stood above him, her knife still in her hand.

"Sorry, Captain, but I only need your ship", she said with a smirk as she looked at his unconscious form.

𝐈'𝐦 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ༄ 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now