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Dark Red ~ Steve Lacy


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The wind was whooshing and the water was getting in everyone's face as the Jolly Roger sailed through the portal.

When they finally got out the ship harshly landed on the calm waters of the sea of Neverland, everyone groaning.

"Are you okay?", Hook immediately asked Evelyn who wasn't too far from him and she simply nodded. He believed her even if not completely.

Once he turned around Evelyn put her hand on her abdomen, where her wound still was. She groaned when she felt a slight pain. Bringing her hand up again she saw blood on it meaning that the wound had reopened, but she didn't have time to just close it again so she simply wrapped her jacket tighter around her and tried to hide the pain.

"Is that it?", Emma asked.

"Aye. Neverland", Hook simply replied.

A while later Evelyn was by Hook's side as he kept sailing through the sea. They hadn't talked much. It's not like they had nothing to tell each other, but they just didn't know where to start.

Suddenly, though, just as Hook was about to speak up, David reached them.

"Are you okay?", he asked Evelyn.

"I'm fine, don't worry", she assured him.

"What about your wound?", he then asked her not entirely convinced.

"Sorry, what wound?", Hook cut in confused.

"Oh, um, Tamara shot me. But before you say anything, I'm fine", Evelyn quickly told him.

"Evie-", Hook began complaining.

"I'm fine, Killian", she assured him with a soft smile, as he used her nickname. Then she turned to David and walked to the deck with him, leaving Hook to talk with Regina.

"So, you really have spent your life on this ship", David commented as they walked through the deck.

"Yeah, and you're acting as surprised as you did when I first told you a long time ago", Evelyn told him with a chuckle that he shared.

"About you and Hook, I know your story goes way back, but he's changed and I just want to make sure you're okay", he told her truthfully.

"I know. But I've changed too, and I don't need a big brother talk. I can take care of myself", she told him with a soft smile and he nodded at her before going to talk with Mary Margaret and Emma.

Evelyn took care of some things in the ship as she listened with a saddened look the Charming family argue.

"We'll find Henry", was the last thing she heard Mary Margaret say before Gold spoke up.

"No, you won't", he said and everyone turned to look at him, now wearing his usual Dark One "uniform".

"Oh, well, that's a great use of our time, a wardrobe change", Hook commented annoyed.

"I'm gonna get Henry", Gold said.

"We agreed to do this together", Regina reminded him.

"Actually, we made no such agreement", Gold simply told her.

"Why are you doing this?", Emma asked him confused.

"Because I want to succeed", he simply replied with a smirk.

"What makes you think I'm gonna fail?", Emma asked him determinedly.

"Well, how could you not? You don't believe in your parents. Or in magic. Or even yourself", Gold told her.

"I slayed a dragon. I think I believe", Emma retorted.

"Only what was shown to you. When have you ever taken a real leap of faith? You know the kind where there's absolutely no proof. I've known you some time, Ms. Swan and sadly, despite everything you've been through, you're still just that bail bondsperson. Looking for evidence. Well, dearie, that's not gonna work in Neverland", Gold told her.

"I'll do whatever it takes", Emma said truthfully.

"Or you just need someone to tell you what that is. Sorry, dearie. Our foe is too fearsome for hand-holding. Neverland is a place where imagination runs wild and sadly, yours doesn't", Gold simply told her before disappearing.

"That bastard", Evelyn muttered under her breath.

Evelyn walked below deck and headed to what used to be the Captains' quarters. She leaned on the door frame and looked at the room. It all still looked the same.

"I couldn't bring myself to change anything", suddenly Killian told her reading her mind as he went to stand behind her.

Evelyn smiled softly at him before slowly walking inside the room, Killian taking her place by the door.

"What really happened?", Killian asked her as she looked at the bedside table.

"I, uh, ended up through a portal in the real world", she told him not looking up.

"Yeah, but why?", he asked her confused as he got closer to her.

"It's a long story", she simply muttered as she looked through the drawers.

"I think we have time", Killian insisted.

"Maybe we should get back up", Evelyn insisted as she forcefully closed the last drawer, but before she could walk away Killian stopped her.

"Evie, please. It's been way too long and I need to know", he pleaded her. Evelyn looked down and sighed before looking back up at him.

"I made a deal with Rumpelstiltskin, but ended up tricking him. The price for that, though, was to end up living in the Real World for the rest of my days", she explained with a low voice.

"Why did you do that?", he asked confused.

"To protect you", she replied with a soft but sad voice. She quickly cleared her throat and began walking out of the room, not being able to bring herself to say more.

"Evie", Killian stopped her and she slowly turned around.

"You were searching for this, right?", Killian asked her as he slowly walked closer to her while showing her a necklace. It had a small pendant with the drawing of a red dahlia. She slowly took it taking a deep breath as she looked at it.

"You should have it. It's still yours", he softly told her and she smiled at him before putting it in her pocket and walking back up.

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