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Max arrived at the destination that Sam sent to him and he arrived in front of the house and saw college kids partying. He looked around and he didn't see Sam anywhere so he took off his helmet and called her from his phone.

"Sam, I'm at the party but I don't see you." Max said.

He felt someone tapping his shoulder and he turned around and saw Sam with her phone on her ear and an unimpressed look on her face.

"That's because you got here before me." Sam said as she put her phone in her pocket.

"I can't go inside because people might recognize me and I'm still underage." Max told her.

"As long as you have your helmet on, then no one will notice. Stay here and watch to see if anything happens." Sam instructed.

"Okay." Max nodded putting his helmet back on following Sam inside the house.

Max and Sam looked around the house to see where Tara and the others are. Max spotted Tara walking around with a guy who was taking her upstairs. He Sam on the arm and pointed to the stairs and she saw Tara. They both see Chad trying to intervene and he nearly gets in a fight and Sam decides to step and tase the guy in the balls with her taser. Then he watched Tara leave the house in anger and ignored Sam calling here and he decided to follow her.

"Tara wait !" Max called out but Tara was ignoring him.

"Will you stop ?" Sam called out.

"I cannot believe you did that ! You embarrassed me." Tara called out to Sam.

"That guy was a dick, he was going to take advantage of you." Sam explained. Tara turned around and looked at her.

"So ?!" Tara yelled.

"So ?" Sam asked confused.

"If I want to hook up with an asshole, that's my decision. It's my decision !" Tara yelled.

"Okay." Sam said disturbed.

"It's not about you. I mean, you're out of my life for five years and now you can't leave me alone for five minutes !" Tara continued to yell. Max was finding it very hard to stay quiet.

"Because you're not dealing with what happened to us. Have you even gone to see the councilor once ?" Sam asked.

"No and I'm not going to." Tara said. Max looked at her.

"Why not ?" Sam asked.

"Because I am uninterested in living in the past like you are !" Tara answered.

"What's that supposed to mean ?" Sam asked.

"It means I'm not going to let what happened to us for three days define the rest of my life." Tara answered.

"So you're just going to pretend that it never happened ?" Sam asked in disbelief.

"That's not a healthy way to cope." Max thought to himself.

"What are you even doing here, Sam ? In New York, I mean, you're working two shitty jobs to help with rent or whatever, but what's your plan ? I know what I'm going to do, because I'm going to keep going to college, and I'm going to get my degree, and I'm going to live my life. My life. You followed me here and you won't leave alone." Tara said.

"That's enough." Max said. Everyone turned to look at him and saw that he had a helmet in his hand and looked at Tara with a dark look in his eyes.

"I understand why you feel this way but you should be ashamed of yourself." Max said. Tara looked at him in surprise.

"You said that Sam is working two jobs to pay rent. She's trying to help you and she followed you here to make up for the time she lost during those five years. And you have the audacity to act this way towards her ?" Max said. The others looked at him shocked.

"You want to make your own decisions ? You can't be trusted to make your own choices because you were willing to let that guy take advantage of you. I'm not letting that slide because I can tell that you weren't drunk because look at how you're acting." Max continued. Tara looked down feeling guilty.

"You want to be independent ? Look at all of this." Max said as he pointed to the frat house and all of the people partying.

"This isn't how you get independence. You're trying to party like you're still a teenager. You're not a teenager anymore, you're a young adult so you have to act like it. Look at how you ranted at Sam. You're acting like a child. You may be an adult physically but mentally you're still a child. This proves you're not fully mature enough to make your own decisions. You want independence ? You have to earn it. You want to make your own decisions ? Be responsible. You want to be a young adult ? Act like it. It's a shame that I'm seventeen and I'm more mature than you." Max finished scolding.

Tara wanted to defend herself but she knew she couldn't do that because she knew that Max was right.

"Hey !" Someone yelled. Max saw three girls walking towards them.

Max knew what was about to happen so he quickly jumped in front of Sam. He was covered in some left over beer and looked at the girls with an unimpressed look.

"Murderer !" The drunk girl yelled at Sam.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, bitch ?!" Sam yelled. She was about to lunge at the girl but Chad held her back.

"You got a problem with me ?!" Sam yelled. Max and Mindy were pushing the other girls away from Sam.

"You guys should stay away from her. She knows what she did." The drunk girl warned walking with her friends.

"I didn't fucking do anything !" Sam defended herself.

"Sure, bitch." The drunk girl said walking away.

Max decided to that enough is enough so he walked towards the drunk girl. He poked her in the shoulder and as soon as she turned around he punched her in the face so hard she fell to the ground holding her cheek.

"Never mess with my friends, bitch." Max said.

He turned around and saw his friends looking at him shocked at what he did. He looked back at the girl and saw her holding a tooth in her hand. He smiled smugly at her and walked back to his friends who were still at him with shock.

"She had it coming." Max said shrugging his shoulders. Sam smiled at him grateful.

"Thanks for that. You didn't have to do that." Sam said with a smile.

"Anything for a friend. If no one defends you then who will ?" Max said smiling back.

"I have tissues if you want tissues. I have like three tissues." Ethan said offering Max some tissues. Max took the tissues and started wiping his costume.

"Thanks Ethan." Max said. The others walked away leaving him and Sam alone on the street.

"Come on. Let me take you home. I highly doubt that you want to deal with more harassment." Max said. Max and Sam walked away together.

"I'm sorry about what I said to Tara. But it had to be said." Max apologized. Sam waved it off.

"It's alright. I wanted to say something like that to her but I doubt she'd listen to me if I did." Sam said.

"Maybe she needed someone else's perspective of how things are going." Max said with a smile. Sam smiled back while they continued to walk back to the apartment.

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