Act 3

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Sam was right about the plan being stupid and idiotic but it was the only plan they had. They were currently walking through a subway station trying to catch a train. Max was moving through everyone so that he get on the train first and make sure everyone was safe. He made sure the others got on the train but he couldn't see Mindy or Ethan and he saw Chad going to the door. He realized that Mindy could still be out there, but he was proven right when he Chad reaching out to Mindy before the door closed.

"Damn it." Max thought.

He couldn't believe that he missed Mindy and Ethan. He hoped Mindy would be alright and that they would all make it in one piece. He looked around the train and he narrowed his eyes under his helmet seeing that there were a lot of people wearing Ghostface costumes. He hoped that they were all people in costumes and that none of them were killers. The others seemed to notice what was looking at and started feeling scared.

"How many stops do we have ?" Tara asked. Sam looked at the map.

"Ten." Sam said looking down.

The train stopped for a minute and some people started to get off and there was someone coming towards wearing a Ghostface costume. Max stood in front of everyone and Danny stood next to him but it turned out to be a false alarm when the person walked off the train. Max turned to Danny smiling under his helmet.

"Thanks for backing up bro. I appreciate it." Max said gratefully and Danny nodded at him.

"Anytime." Danny said. The next stops continued without a problem.

They arrived at the theater and much to Max's dismay and annoyance Kirby was already there.

"Hey. I talked to Bailey. I've got everything set up." Kirby said.

Max walked ahead of everyone else and walked to the inside and while everyone stood there watching Sam and Danny, Max went inside the theater and waited for everyone else. When they finally arrived Kirby took out a key card and opened the door and Max looked at her confused.

"When the fuck did you get a key card ?" Max asked.

"It was given to me." Kirby said as if it was obvious. She waited for everyone else to get in and then she closed the door.

"I cleared the whole place before you got here. So, this is the only way in or out. He steps in through the first door, both doors lock automatically, trapping him inside. We turn it into a kill box." Kirby explained.

"Weapons ?" Sam asked. Max looked at her with raised brow under his helmet.

"Did you forget that you have a taser ? I know that you're pretty resilient with a weapon." Max said.

"One gun, and I hold onto it. I am the only with a badge here and that's the way it's gonna be. We're safe here." Kirby assured them.

"I'm gonna check in with Mindy. See if they're close." Sam said.

"You do that." Max said walking away from the group and Kirby watched him walk away with sadness in her eyes.

Mindy and Tara told her the full extent of what happened to him, she never meant to hurt him the way she did. When she left she was so angry at what happened to her and she unintentionally took it out on him, she remembered one time she got jump scared and unintentionally slapped him to the ground. She remembered that day, after that she cried her heart out at the fact that she accidentally hurt her brother. She was disgusted at what her parents did to him, they had a falling out when she refused to return home and she never expected them to take it out on Max. She was even more upset when she was told about how her parents felt about Max and she realized she messed up even worse than she already did.

Scream: Max ReedWhere stories live. Discover now