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CW: Switch blade, blood, death(😈), domestic violence. If uncomfortable then do not read this chapter, otherwise enjoy!

Finney slowly opened his eyes the next morning, his body hurting everywhere from sleeping in the same position all night. The smaller boy carefully shifted around to sit up. He groaned and cracked his aching bones. For a second, Finney froze, soft quiet breathing could be heard throughout the room and it wasn't his own.

He looked down, only to spot Bruce and Vance sleeping peacefully in his bed. The brunette put a hand over his heart and exhaled a sigh of relief, clearly the boy forgot about the two being over last night. Wait, last night.. a deep shade of red appeared on Finney's face while the memories of mere hours before replayed in his mind.

He quickly recollected himself and maneuvered his way off the bed, trying to avoid waking up the two boys who remained peacefully asleep. Finney stretched and then checked the time, it was barely 9:51am. "Good.. didn't sleep in much." he reassured himself, considering he wasn't a fan of sleeping in and got upset when and if he did.

The boy quietly made his way down the hallway and then downstairs, he looked around the living room and realized his father's coat was gone off the rack near the front door. He shrugged, the man probably went to work. He wandered into the kitchen and decided to prepare breakfast for himself and his boys.

After a few minutes of debating what food to make he decided on French toast with cut up fruit. Finney grabbed the ingredients he needed, which consisted of bread, some eggs, he also grabbed some fruits such as strawberries and blueberries.

He placed his ingredients on the counter and grabbed a pan from the cupboard, Finney turned on the stove and waited as one of the burners began heating up. Once his egg batter was ready, he began cooking. The brunette had been so distracted by the food that he hadn't noticed the two older boys had woken up and made their way downstairs.

That was, until he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his waist. Finney immediately knew who it was, Vance. "Bonjour, amour." The blonde said, burying his face in Finney's slight bed head. The smaller one of the three laughed a little, "good morning my boys." he said, earning sheepish smiles from the older two.

(good morning, love.)

"What are you making?" Bruce pondered, leaning on the counter beside Finney. "It smells delicious."

"I'm making us french toast!" the brunette smiled and used his spatula to pick up the slice of cooked french toast off the pan, he carefully placed it on top of the small stack that rested near the stove top on a plate. Vance moved his head so it was now resting on Finney's right shoulder, though because of their height difference, he had to bend down a little.

"Yum." Vance said, watching Finney cook the last slice. "What do you guys think we should do today?" Bruce asked, lightly tapping his fingers against the counter top. "Hangout with others?" Vance suggested, his tone sounding more like a question.

"I'm down." Finney said, putting the last cooked slice on the stack. He moved on to cutting up the berries. The brunette laughed when Vance stole a blueberry. "Who's house though?" Finney added after a second of silence, "I'm not sure." Bruce trailed off. The three stood in silence, the only sound being that of the knife hitting the cutting board that Finney was using.

(DISCONTINUED) 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐲 || The Black PhoneWhere stories live. Discover now