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It can't be..

As soon as the heart monitor flatlined, doctors flooded into the room. The group was forced out and into the waiting room with Juliette and Jason. Bruce and Vance sat together on one of the larger chairs, Bruce with his head resting on Vance's shoulder while Vance's arm was wrapped around him. The two cried silently.

Billy and Robin were practically doing the same thing as Bruce and Vance. Donna and Griffin were being comforted by their parents.

About 20 minutes later, Finney's father Terrence showed up. "Where's my son?!" he said, looking around the room and waiting for an answer, which he received from Vance. "Room 213.. can't see him." he explained, looking at his lover's father. Terrence sighed and sat down on a chair in the corner of the room.

The man leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, placing his head in his hands. Everyone stared at him for a moment, mainly Griffin and Billy. They were the only two who were aware of Terrence's past actions towards his son.

40 minutes later, one of the many doctors exited Finney's room and made his way to the waiting room where everyone else was located. The group perked up at the sight of the doctor.

"Is he okay?!" Robin asked the question that everyone was wondering, all of their attention was focused on the doctor who was looking at a clipboard.

"Well, I've got good news.. and bad news." The doctor said, the room fell silent. "Good news first, please." Jason said, still keeping his arms wrapped around Donna. "The good news is.. he's alive. We managed to bring him back."

There was a collective sigh of relief in the room, Bruce started crying again. "But, the bad news.."

"He's in a coma, we don't know when he'll wake up." Bruce and Vance's hearts shattered all over again. "You're lying.." Vance said, looking at the doctor with an expression of disbelief. The doctor lowered his head, "I'm sorry, it's the truth young man, you may see him if you wish." he said, quietly taking his leave.

"No.. NO! IT CAN'T BE!" Vance shouted, attempting to get up from his chair and run after the doctor, though he was being held down by Bruce. Juliette rushed over and engulfed her son in a tight hug, he continued his escape attempts for a few seconds before finally giving up. He sobbed into his mother's shoulder while she whispered reassuring words to him.

Eventually, Vance stopped sobbing. But tears continued to stream down his face. Juliette and Jason were hurt to see their son like this, they'd never seen him cry this much over someone. Bruce got up and approached the blonde and his mother, he placed a hand on Vance's shoulder and lightly squeezed. "C'mon.. let's go see him."

Vance nodded, his mother slowly let go of him and Bruce interlocked their hands together. The two made their way to Finney's room and Bruce closed the door. The only sound was the slow but steady beeping of the heart monitor that flatlined mere hours ago.

Vance anxiously watched Finney's chest slowly rise and fall with each breath the boy took. He was paranoid, thinking he'd lose Finney again. Bruce silently approached the bed and hugged Vance. Some minutes later, they pulled away from the hug, both taking a hold of Finney's cold, rough hands, laced with small lacerations and bruises. "I should've gone with him.." Bruce choked out, his voice barely above a whisper. He'd already said this, but the man was engulfed by endless regret.

Vance took a short glance at him, staying silent. He was thinking of what to say, though he was never good with emotions.. or english. "It's not your fault.. didn't know.. we didn't. Don't uh.. blame self, Bruce. Mon Dieu, pourquoi l'anglais est-il si difficile?" He muttered out, trying his hardest to make sense but also trying to reassure the male next to him.

(DISCONTINUED) 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐲 || The Black PhoneWhere stories live. Discover now