Race Ya!

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For a moment he was paralyzed before he turned toward Knuckles and Amy, who looked equally stunned.

"He... Left?" Amy muttered "he- he left!" She said again, now panicking.

"Oh Chaos what do we do?! What is he doing?" She scrambled, tugging at her quills.

Tails' mind was going a hundred miles an hour. He ran off? Why would he run off? He had to have a motive. What would be a motive to run off? Okay flew off would be better, he flew off, but why?

"What was the point of dragging us all the way out here just to ditch us!?" Knuckles raged, kicking a rock into a pillar so hard it cracked.

Then, it clicked in his mind and a new wave of fear washed over him. "To lead us away from the Tornado."

Amy and Knuckles stared at him before the pink hedgehog broke the silence.

"Oh no."

. . .

Next thing he knew they were running, Amy was in the lead with Tails following close behind and Knuckles trailing behind.

"C'mon!" Amy yelled "saw a portal we passed this way! They should all still be open from when Sonic went through them!"

Sure enough after their sprint Amy led them to a teal blue glowing portal. She pressed a hand against it and it started glowing.

"Hurry! C'mon!" Amy shouted and the three dove inside.

Cyberspace always felt weird, even if it was better now that they'd gotten rid of The End's corruption. There was a strange buzzing feeling to it, like you could feel energy rushing beneath your skin.

They popped back out of cyberspace at another portal. "C'mon let's g-!" Amy said again rushing forward

"AMY!" Tails shouted and grabbed the pink hedgehog, pulling her backwards as a giant metal hand slammed into the ground before them.

Amy looked dazed, staring at the cratered place she'd been standing seconds before.

"What the-?" She muttered. "Asura?"

Sure enough, the guardian was towering over them but much active than she was before.

The guardian was stomping around picking things up and throwing them everywhere.

"What's going on? I thought the boys were done attacking us!" Amy yelled.

"Maybe he undid whatever code he entered to the island?" Tails guessed.

"No, I don't think so." Knuckles said and Tails turned to him with surprise. "Look at it, look at what it's doing." He gestured to what the Asura was grabbing.

"She's not attacking us, she's destroying the egg tech" he said and he realized Knuckles was right.

Asura wasn't even looking at them, it was focused on the bases and pathways Eggman had placed down. He watched the guardian rip a platform out of the cliffside and throw it far out from the island.

"He must've ordered the island guardians to destroy anything Eggman put here. He was so angry when he saw that first base." Tails said, watching a Squid appear by the river and blast at a runaway it normally passed under.

"Let's keep moving, be careful." He urged before running forward toward another portal he saw behind Asura.

The three bolted across the new no-man's-land, ducking and dodging as more shrapnel errupted and explosions went off.

"Does he even realize that he's destroying the island too?" He heard Amy whisper behind him.

He cringed but powered forward. He made it to the portal first and he and Amy pulled Knuckles up as he arrived and they jumped into the portal.

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