Prologue: The Legend Of The Beast Return

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3rd POV:

At Night.




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Even a man who is pure in heart.

And says his prayers by night.

May become a wolf.

When the wolfbane blooms.

The Autumn moon is bright.









10 Months Later.

10 Months Later

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In Town.

It was a beautiful night

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It was a beautiful night.

Seems to be quiet and all around here was quiet...and nothing else make any noises but this town is rule over by the darkness.

Something else for what made the darkness took over...the vampires were here in this town...good or not...but let's try their best to thinking about this place is gonna be fine. In the town, it was nighttime as we can see there was a full moon bright light over there and then we can see a big wolf-like creature running through the roof to roof it then jumped down in an alleyway. The beast was moving slowly and make him just goes searching and stalking at the targets for what he must kills and the beast was turn his head to look at the his prey.

There was a vampire who is walking alone in the forest by himself and he just chilling little bit because he killed 6 victims and sucking the bloods of those people that he just killed and turns out that vampire isn't care about anything at it...all he was doing is walk off. Then the vampire was smell up to the sky and he just smell something in his nose and he whispered to himself.

???: "Huh...I just smell something a wet dog." He said in disgust but he heard the was a growling comes from something else is here and make him was turn his head to look around and he asked.

???: "Hello? Who's there?" He asked and he didn't heard anything but was quiet and silence that he was gonna heard and this scared him off right now and he doesn't want to going back there but when the moment he turn around to look front and he saw something appeared and slash at him with the claws.

(A/N: Imagine that Ben as vampire was been killed by a werewolf scene.)

As the creature was finished slaughtered its victim and was covered in blood and howled to the full moon.

As the creature was finished slaughtered its victim and was covered in blood and howled to the full moon

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Werewolf: "*HOWLING*"

When the beast was begin to left out to somewhere by itself and let the creature was begin to running far away from here and turns out the beast will going out there and begin to killing more victims by himself. The beast will go out there and start to going eat and hunt down some victims and then eat other victims alive by himself.








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To Be Continued.

Vampire Knight: The Beast Among Vampires (Yuki X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now