The Legend Say: "Even a man who is pure in heart. And says his prayers by night. May become a wolf . When the wolfbane blooms. And the autumn moon is bright."
(Y/N) (L/N) Russell was the son of Jack Russell/Werewolf By Night and he was got curse sam...
When (Y/N) was with Yuki are in the castle and they both were sat there and chilling and (Y/N) with Yuki are reading the books cause they both were tries to understand the history of the other way to stop Kaname. When the two of them were finally caught Kaname and they both take him to the cage and that will stop him and his plan's doing.
(Y/N): "Well, all everything is safe huh?" He asked her and make her nod her head and then she look at (Y/N) and she said.
Yuki: "Yes, I believe so...but Kaname won't even came out again but we just need make sure that he will not bothering to fight again." She said to (Y/N).
(Y/N): "Yeah..." He said to her and then the two of them were sat there and chilling by themselves and (Y/N) was sat on the chair and make him cross his arms over his chest and then (Y/N) look at the book that he just reading is...some other monsters species what his mother told him. Then (Y/N) was explaining to Yuki about this book and other monster species that she need to know and she really need to understand about it.
(Y/N): "Well, you start to understand huh?" He asked her and make her nod her head.
Yuki: "I see....this world wasn't alone...I thought there were vampires...but these monsters can be appeared anytime around here huh?" She asked (Y/N).
(Y/N): "Yeah, there's a lot of monsters out there...they are good or bad but the thing is...we need to know them more and we can trust them." He said to her and she was nod her head and then (Y/N) was flip the page of book that he is showing the vampiress about there was big monster is going to be anywhere and soon.
When the two of them were sat there and chilling little bit until (Y/N) with Yuki sense something in their heads and they both heard something else is came here and there was a loud smashes through the wall of the building. Then (Y/N) with Yuki were got up from the ground and they turn their heads to look each others and make them nod their heads and they were going downstairs by themselves and when they reach down there.
They saw the wall from this castle was burst out by something else is came here and something is big and terrifying with horrifying for what they saw the creature holding unconscious Kaname in his large right hand and the creature looks like a ghoul and 13 feet tall and he looks like humongous hulking figure.
The creature was called is...Frankenstein...Frankenstein's monster.
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Frankenstein's Monster.
In 1788, Victor Frankenstein left his family estate in Geneva, Switzerland to study natural science at the University of Ingolstadt. While there, he became obsessed with the idea of recreating life from dead tissue and began robbing graveyards in order to acquire body parts. He stitched the various body parts together and subjected the patchwork creature to chemical treatments and electrolysis. Frankenstein succeeded in bringing his creation to life. Horrified by the creature's grotesque features, Victor abandoned his creation and returned to Geneva. The monster was left to fend for himself.