Chapter 27: The Father & The Son

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

After (Y/N) with Yuki kill Frankenstein monster and it seems the monster was finally lying down on the ground and (Y/N) was slowly to transform back to his own human form and make him is breathing out little bit and then (Y/N) was look at the monster is lying there and make sure it is dead. Then Yuki was came to (Y/N) and she asked him like she is worrying about him and he was got up from the ground and breathing out little bit.

Yuki: "I-Is he death?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I think so." He said to her and then suddenly the Frankenstein monster was finally got up rom the ground and make the monster was growling out and let out a snarl at (Y/N) and Yuki...then they both saw the monster is awake and then out of nowhere a flames shot at the monster and make the monster was got flames by the power of attack comes from...Kain.

(Y/N): "KAIN!" He said in surprise.

Kain: "Huh...I heard the trouble of I decide to check out what's going on right now." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): " you have fire power?" He asked Kain and make him was confuse and nod his head and then (Y/N) look back at Frankenstein monster who was afraid of fire and he told Kain to shooting all everything he got to kill the Frankenstein's monster right away. When Kain heard this and make him use his fire power to shooting all over the Frankenstein's monster and make the monster roar out in pain as fire was killing the monster.

The monster was finally fall down on the ground and turn into dusts.

After he killed the Frankenstein's monster and that motherfucker won't get back alive again and (Y/N) with Yuki just make sure that won't happened again and then they both just don't know what to do next...but Kaname is alive...and the two of them going to take Kaname back to the cage right away and (Y/N) doesn't want Kaname is going to be wake up and he just make sure that vampire will stuck there for awhile. When (Y/N) was seen this and then he just take him back to the cell right away.

Time Skip Later.

In (Y/N)'s Room.

When (Y/N) was heading back to the motel room right away and make him was finally got there and he just arrive right on the time and he was smell something in his nose because he smell someone else is here.

(Y/N): "Alright, whoever you are....come on out....I can smell you in here." He said to them and then there was a figure who sat on the chair and he just turn on the light and revealed someone else that (Y/N) didn't know...and the person for what he know is...his own father.

Jack: "Hello, (Y/N)...didn't surprise to seen me here?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Old man." He said.

Jack Russell/Werewolf By Night

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Jack Russell/Werewolf By Night.

Jacob Russoff was the elder of two children sired by Gregor Russoff, a Transylvanian baron and scholar. Russoff's ancestor Grigory first brought lycanthropy (werewolf transformation) upon the family when in 1795 he tried to avenge his wife, Louisa, by staking the vampire-king Vlad Dracula - he was bitten by a female werewolf in Dracula's service. Because his children were born before that event, Grigori's descendants did not immediately become werewolves themselves; however, the curse on the Russoff family only needed a catalyst to trigger it. In the mid 1950s Gregory Russoff, great-great-grandson of Grigori, acquired a copy of the Darkhold, which includes the secret origin of lycanthropy. By reading that passage, Gregory activated the curse and became a werewolf. He sent his wife, Laura, to her native America with their children for their own protection. Gregory was eventually killed by an angry mob. Laura Russoff married again, to a man named Philip Russell. Jacob Russoff became Jack Russell, and with his sister Lissa was raised in Los Angeles. When he turned 18, the curse struck him in turn and he became a werewolf. It was revealed a year after Laura's death that Jack and Lissa's step-father was also their father's brother (thus making him their uncle).

Jack: "(Y/N) are you?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): " about you?" He said to him and make him nod his head to him.

To Be Continued.

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