Chapter 1: The Son Of The Werewolf

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

Next Morning Later

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As revealed in 27th Night, the town houses the headquarters of the Vampire Hunter Association. The majority of the population consists of hunters and others associated with them.

The town also has a cemetery where Ichiru Kiryu, the Kiryus, and Yuki's childhood caretaker Momoyama are buried.


In Restaurant.

TV Reporting New: "Coming right up next on Breaking News...there was an horribly at night about dead victims on the woods. Two couples was an adults and they both were heading to the mountain by themselves and they were lost and then...later they both were missing. When the morning coming right up and we found two dead bodies on the road and the police were covering it up right away and these two dead victims were got attacked by some kind of wild animal attack in the mountain." TV Reporting says that many other people were sat there and they both watching the Breaking News about there was an accident or maybe crime scene.

???1: "Jeez, what an horrible..." He said.

???2: "Do you think the culprit was behind this?" He asked his partner.

???1: "What do you mean?" He asked him.

???2: "I mean the culprit was murdering these two couples in the mountains when they are hiking." He said to him and make the man shook his head to him and he said.

???1: "No, that wasn't culprit...but something else is attack in the mountain must be a bear...a bear just killing these two couples in the woods." He said.

???3: "Yeah, I guarantee with you about it...the bear is the most dangerous that we both were encountering for." He said to him and then three of them were whispering and there were 7 people are in this restaurant and except for him. Do you know what am I just talking about? Of course you aren't...him was sat right there by himself.

When the figure who was sat there by himself and he was holding a coffee cup in his right hand and he was drinking it slowly and this male figure revealed out to be a teenager and he had a black hair and blue beautiful eyes and he was looks like handsome and cute too. This male figure was mysterious and he hide his own past for a long time ago and he wouldn't showing it to anybody else. This boy who was scared about something on his flashback for what he was done a lot of things and we don't know why he did it...but he was stay away from anybody else who want to hurt him or hunt him down by bounty hunters and cops.

His name is (Y/N) (L/N) Russell.  


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