Chapter 13: Fear The Wrath Of The Beast

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3rd POV:

Previously of Vampire Knight: The Beast Among Vampires.

(A/N: Imagine Enid as (Y/N) with werewolf vs Mr. Hyde as Wendigo scene.)

When (Y/N) was defeat Hyde and send the monster down on the ground and then he look down over there is...Molotov Cocktail and he had it with him and make him grab it in his hand and he gave the others a snarl right now and then Toga who was got the lighter with him and light it up and then (Y/N) hold the Molotov Cocktail and throw at the monster and burning the monster alive.

They could heard the shrieking pain of the creature is hurt and the fire consume at the creature...that the monster was screeching and shrieking out in pain for what the fire is weakness of Wendigo. After (Y/N) was finally reversed transform back to his own human form right away and make him was kneel down on the ground and then he just breathing and keep breathing out little bit. When (Y/N) was got held up by Yuki and Zero that the two of them were finally got him up from the ground and make him was breathing little bit and then he asked them.

(Y/N): "Is anyone alright?" He asked them.

Yuki: "We are alright." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Good, that's good...and I think that looks like easy for what we are going to get fine and normal." He said to her.

Zero: "What the hell is that?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "That creature for what we saw back was Wendigo The Cannibalistic Monster...and it is huge and dangerous creature." He said to them.

Toga: "Was that back there? It was-"

(Y/N): "The fire...the fire can kill the monster...but the weakness is silver because this creature got two weakness is...silver bullet and fire." He said to him.

Kaien: "That was there any more of these 'wendigos'?" He asked (Y/N) and make him was shook his head and he told him.

(Y/N): "No, I think that's all of them...but this creature is here for me or any reason that I don't know why it is here...the thing is...I think someone brought him here to kill the other victims." He said to them and they both don't believe that and then they start to leave and grab the weapons with them and the mission was done...cause that monster back there was strong and (Y/N) just can't fight the Wendigo creature...but it is stronger than any monsters that Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and lot of monsters back there.

Next 3 Week Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) and Yuki are in the mission at the morning by themselves and then they both are going out for hunting some vampires by themselves...and this is between werewolf and vampire who hunt the bad vampires. Then (Y/N) was holding the weapon in his hands and he was got the submachine gun called is Tommy gun...and yep...that is his weapon for what he is gonna fight against the enemies of vampires with silver bullets.

that is his weapon for what he is gonna fight against the enemies of vampires with silver bullets

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