Chapter 20: The Mummy's Death

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was with the four of them slaughtering many mummies who were stood on their ways and then (Y/N) was with the vampire hunters slaughtering the rest of these motherfucking mummies like nothing. After they kill them and then they thought it is done and (Y/N) thinking it isn't over yet and he knew there is something else is out there more and (Y/N) is readying to fight and (Y/N) know these mummies are zombies controlled by the other mummy.

Zero: "Is it over?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "No, I don't think isn't over yet." He said to Zero.

Kaien: "What do you mean?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "There is one mummy that we should know about it...we need to destroy him once and for all." He said to them and make them heard there was a loudest screeching comes from somewhere and they don't know where is it comes from.

Toga: "What the hell is that?!?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Oh boy, we got a big one is coming right now." He said to them and make them were confuse about what he say and he told them to run right now and then they both were running ahead and then they went out to somewhere else in this museum. Then the five of them were going out by themselves and they fight many mummies and some monsters that they fight and survive by themselves.

After they went inside the other room and looks like big largest one and all everything around them and it was created like pyramid old ancient place and then the four of them don't know what that is and except for (Y/N) who was only know this before.

Toga: "What in the...what the hell is this?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Pyramid...Egypt empire's long time ago with ancient." He said to them and Zero asked (Y/N).

Zero: "You know about this?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yep, I known this mother read me for this story of book about the mummy." He said to him and then they heard an evil laughing comes from someone else is here and make the five of them got their weapons out by themselves. Then they were turn their heads to look around and they didn't seen anything but it was silent and (Y/N) knew it is came here right now and then the mummy revealed itself.

 Then they were turn their heads to look around and they didn't seen anything but it was silent and (Y/N) knew it is came here right now and then the mummy revealed itself

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Mummy: "*LAUGHING*" He was laughing out and make him look at them down there.

Mummy: "You all made it right on the time.~ Good, I've been waiting for this long time ago.~" He said.

N'Kantu: "I am impresses that you and your friends done to killing my armies and now you both are the only left that I need to kill you all. Now prepare to meet your own doom!" He said to them and then he was transform into his demonic monster form was looks like dangerous and scariest looks like even taller compare than his werewolf form.

N'Kantu: "This is my true form!!!!! NOW PREPARE TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and make him was let out a roar at (Y/N) with the others and then they both were going to fighting at him and they both beating the shit out of this motherfucker. Also the five of them are going to fight this creature where it was stood right there and then they both shooting their weapons and powers to killing it right away.

(Y/N): "Jesus Christ...I need to find a way to kill it right now!" He said to himself

After (Y/N) was running out of his both weapons and then (Y/N) was put his weapons on his holsters and then he take his revolver out and then he had the knife for what Lilith told him about the ancient knife it can killed N'Kantu and it is the only way to kill the mummy is where the heart really is...and (Y/N) was holding it in his hand and he said.

(Y/N): "Alright, your turn is over motherfucker." He said to himself.

(A/N: Imagine Imhotep as N'Kantu and Rick as (Y/N) kill the Immortal Mummy.)

Finally the mummy is over.

And who's next?

To Be Continued.

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