Chapter 23: Meet Dracula The Lord Of Darkness

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3rd POV:

Previously Of Vampire Knight: The Beast Among Vampires.

Kain: "Guys, we have company!!!!!!!" He shout out to them and then they saw vampires are here and make (Y/N) growling out in anger.

Yuki: "Alright, let's fight them...and we find Sara." She said to them and make them were nod their heads and they are readying to fight and (Y/N) who was grunt little bit. When he turn his head back to look at the vampires that they both were stood right there and then they were getting scared of (Y/N) with his werewolf form.

 When he turn his head back to look at the vampires that they both were stood right there and then they were getting scared of (Y/N) with his werewolf form

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(Y/N)/Werewolf: "*GROWLING*" he was growling toward at the vampires and then he let out his thunderous roar toward to the vampires.

(Y/N)/Werewolf: "*GROWLING*" he was growling toward at the vampires and then he let out his thunderous roar toward to the vampires

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(Y/N)/Werewolf: "*ROAR*"

When (Y/N) was roar out in his killing instinct and make the leader with the other vampires were jump-scare and surprises then leader command his vampires attack the werewolf...then the beast let out a roar at them and he charge toward at the vampires. Those vampires are weakling to (Y/N) cause he just going to tear many of them all part by himself and yep...Rip with Tear...that's how sound looks like.

Then (Y/N) was begin to slaughtering them with his claws and he was rip with tear them all apart off with his powerful claws slice and slashes like wild beast and torn them all apart off and then (Y/N) seen one of the vampire tries to attack at (Y/N) but he grabbed his neck and chokeslam him down on the ground and stomp his foot at his head and crush his head like watermelon...the vampire's body turn into dusts.

the vampire's body turn into dusts

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Vampire Knight: The Beast Among Vampires (Yuki X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now