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"The tiger and the lion may be more powerful than the wolf, but the wolf does not perform in the circus abiding by rules" - Unknown


"Hi darling" I say

Her golden, brown eyes stare into mine. "Piss off" she says calmly.

"Ah she speaks" I smile, leaning my face closer to hers.

"Don't" Is all she says as I push my chest into her. Her perky breasts pushing into me.

"Looks like my...hotel wasn't pleasant enough for you, considering you left so quickly" I smile unnervingly.

"No" is all she says.

I stare at her for a few moments, drinking the sight in front of my eyes up. Tan skin, brown almost orange eyes, which are covered by pretty extensions. Her long, brown hair, plump lips and her bumped nose. She looks so exotic, so different. She should be ugly but, her features work so well together her eyes are downturned slightly, a seductive aura oozing from her body, her curved nose, shouldn't make her look so fuckable.

I push those thoughts away, I know it's just because I love women, well fucking them anyways.

"Looks like I need to take you somewhere more secure" I say whilst leaning into her ear.

She bites my shoulder making me grunt.

"Let's go sweetheart" I whisper whilst gripping her left wrist and drag her to my car.

I push her into the passenger seat and slam the door of my sports car, leaving hushed echo's along the streets of Bristol.

We drive for a little over an hour, back into London. Once we have reached my mansion I step around the car and whip open her door, meeting her eyes, gaze frozen, empty.

She's strange, looks a little unhinged.

No scrap that she is. She kills effortlessly. It pisses me off that some random girl thinks she can just do that shit with no consequence. She's like putty, hard when squeezed, good under pressure, unbreakable and when you lean back and ease off, slips through your fingers slowly. If she wasn't who she is, I would've wanted that for me. A little assassin.

My eyes flick through features, seeing if there's a crack in that mask she's worked so hard to build. No, all I'm met with is that harsh exterior. Skank. I'll break her apart in that little basement I have prepared for her. I can't wait for her gut wrenching cries to muse my ears. I want to cause her pain, unbearable pain to the point she begs to die.

"Up" is all I say.

She stays put, unmoving, looking at me through her long eyelashes. I grip her neck, grip her out of the car and throw her onto the floor.

"I said" I say as I pull my lighter out to light a cigarette "up"

She just stares at me, whilst laying on her side. I kick the hip facing me, causing her to lay flat on her stomach, her ass moving like water. Her nice fat ass, on display, just for me.

I pick her up from the floor, throwing her over my right shoulder. She starts kicking me in the stomach, punching my back. Her little 5'1 self putting in all her strength to wriggle out of my grasp. I smirk to myself.

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