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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" - Woldo Emerson


I don't like to follow the normality I have been presented with. Giving yourself your own possibilities is something I crave violently . Hence why I'm stood In Logan's office right now, demanding my challenge, not waiting for it to be bestowed upon me.

"What is it?" I demand.

"What is what?" he answers with a question.

"You know what" I state.

"Be here at 5pm tonight" he replies smirking "you will see"

I leave the room without another word and walk towards Morgan's room. I gently pat my knuckle against the door.

"Come in" he yells.

"Morg" I state.

"Oh hey!" he exclaims "how're you feeling?"

"Shit" I reply

"Standard and expected" he says "wanna watch a movie later?"

"I'm busy" I answer "just wanted to make sure you're not dead" I explain as I walk out of his en suite.

something felt wrong.

Regardless I walk towards my door, admiring the architecture on my way. I open the door and slide straight into the bed, the bed I couldn't sleep on because that dick Logan didn't have the decency to leave me alone.

I wait and wait until I physically cannot stand it anymore. It's 4:52, another 3 minutes and I'd start moving towards his office.

I stare at the clock impatiently waiting for the time to tick over by another minute.


Why the fuck is time going so slow? I can't do this.


One more minute, just one more and I'll take my slow stroll towards him.

Surely this clocked has messed up batteries, there's no way this should take this painfully long.






I leap out of the bed. Brushing my hair with my hands, feeling each little snap rip at my scalp providing a soothing pain for my anxiety ridden heart. I step towards the door handle feeling the coolness spiral through my palm. I step outside the corridor, the eerie quiet filling my ears. I stay rooted outside the door. I look back at the clock, all of a sudden time was chasing me down quicker than anticipated.


I gently place one foot after another, walking carefully towards the room. My hands balled into fist at my side, turning my knuckles an ugly yellow from tension. My ears rung the closer I got, a siren in my mind blaring, beating through my head, causing me to feel the pulses.


I look at my surroundings, noticing how blurred my vision had become, not from tears but, from pure and utter stress. I shake my head delicately, hoping for clarity in my vision yet, I am met with more throbbing pain.

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