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"Hell is other people" - Jean-paul Sartre


A factory? Is this guy for real right now? Sometimes I think these mafia men have more than enough money to make it pretty, at least.


He drags me across the floor, I'm hardly keeping my balance, knees and elbows scrapping the dirt and rocks on the floor, whilst he's gripping my hair. I let out a couple deep yells and grunts whilst clawing at his wrists, just receive no reaction from him whatsoever.

Eventually we make it to the entrance or should I say, the gapping whole in wall. He pulls me through it whilst my shoes and shins hitting rubble aggressively. I can feel the blood trickle and splash across my legs.

The blood reminds me I'm human, that's I'm alive.

For now.

I can't even breathe from how much tension is on my
scalp however the only thought to flood my mind is my hair. What the fuck, I can feel how much he's ripped out. I grew my hair for so long, to make it waist length for him to just yank it out.

My thoughts perish when he throws me into a room somewhere in the abandoned factory. My face splats onto the cold and grimy floor, my cheek starts to ooze blood, slipping onto my chapped lips and into my mouth, tasting the warm copper, reminding me where I came from, who I came from. My past.

"Now" he starts coldly whilst crouching down, so he's level with me "why would the pretty little Russian princess run from safety?"

Safety my ass, anything I have ever experienced has been far from safe. The rough hands of my parents are to blame.

I just stare at him, my gaze matching his emotionless one.

"Not much of a talker are you sweetheart?" He laughs in that frozen tone once again. "I'll get it out of you" He smiles, but the smile doesn't reach his eyes, the lack of empathy prevails yet again.

He turns on his heels and walks towards the large, rusted, metal door. As he leaves I hear a key turn and lock the door. The sound echos effortlessly down the corridor.

I stand up whipping my head side to side and I dust myself off from the rubble and dust. No windows, no cracks, no exit but that God forsaken door. I pat my hair looking for bobby pins to find none.

Fuck me

I rummage through the pockets of my ripped, work trousers to find a safety pin that I used to clip a shirt up once.

Yes, yes, yes

I move towards the door, hearing the small rocks crunch under my feet. I reach the door and kneel down so I'm level with the hole. I latch my eye onto it checking for guards, nothing.

Thank fuck for that.

I start the pick the lock, thanking my brother for teaching me how to pick them for when my parents would lock me in the basement.

I hear the click and that's when my heart starts to beat from adrenaline, I feel the blood pumping in my head, thumping harder as the seconds pass by. I step back from the door and search for a weapon just incase, the room is empty, totally vacant. I'll just have to work with my fists. I open the door and start to move my way down the corridor, trying to scramble through my head for memories of how we came in, how I got to this location.

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