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"Egotism is the anaesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity" - Frank Leahy


I wake up, I look at the ticking clock, 11:30.


I jump out of the bed, disregarding the bedsheet mangled in my feet as I run to the shower, throwing my pyjamas, which look like pantaloons brunched at my shins. I rinse my body as quickly as possible, throwing my hair up in a messy bun. I lung into the nearest pair of leggings and shit I can find, I put on a pair of Nike socks whilst running into the bathroom to brush my teeth as I forgot.

After rinsing my mouth with mouthwash and taking a swig of water, I run out of my room was glancing back at the clock.


I rushed down towards his office.


I gather them my thoughts for the next two minutes before knocking. the door slowly opens as a young, blonde woman open it greeting me with a warm smile. I step inside the room to see five pairs of eyes including his, glaring directly towards me. I can feel my emotions start to skyrocket, but I don't let that portray on my face, a skill I'm glad I have acquired.

"Now that we are all here" Logan begins " I'd like to introduce you all to Alexa"

"Hi I'm Ben" says a brown eyed, blonde boy, with glasses adorning his face.

"I'm Meg" says an over-enthusiastic, young, ginger girl

"I'm Dan" a deep voice echoes from the back of the room. A man with a beanie and tattoos covering his face and neck speaks up.

"And I'm Eleanor" the squeaky, blonde perks up to introduce herself.

after carefully examining all the individuals of the room and nodding in response to all of their introductions, I turn my attention to Logan.

"Now as you all know we have a casino to raid tonight" he states "Alexa is going to be our mew seductionist and the integral part of tonight's raid"

"Ben you are in charge of wiring up Alexa and ensuring her glasses have an AI map of the building so she knows where to go"

"Got it"

"Meg your job is to make Alexa as beautiful, but not recognisable, as possible" says Logan.

Way to say I'm ugly asshole. I roll my eyes mentally.

"Dan, do you know your drill getaway driver avoid cameras, the usual" Logan motions towards Dan with his hands. "And don't crash the bus this time I can't be bothered to order new tech for Ben"

"Sure thing boss"

" Lastly, Eleanor, you're a waitress distract the rest of the table apart from the target" Logan states

"Whatever" says the pompous bitch.

"So now that we're all settled, Alexa I'm gonna run you through the basics" he begins "Your target is Emanuel Gomez, the son of the leader, to the Mexican cartel. He's here on business to try to supply their strain of weed and cocaine in my territory. Our aim today is to scare them."

"Okay" I respond.

"He's going to his fathers casino to try strike a deal with smaller gangs from London, to begin their distribution. all you need to do is distract him while the rest of my men, run in, shoot the place up and steal some money."

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