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"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" - Nelson Mandela


I signed the contract.

I am officially Logan Steele's property. I abide by his rules, his standards, his laws. Sometimes I wonder if meeting him under different circumstances could've formed an alliance, if I had followed in my parents footsteps could we have ruled London, deals, missions, assassinations. All of that together?

I've imagined a lot of things, regretting some, it's a part of life. However my curiosity never strayed beyond something that could be reality so this was very much a possibility.

I step away from my thoughts and back into this reality. I woke up at 9? maybe later. I decided to stay in my room. I go to the shower, stepping onto the cool, light brown and let the water fall. Water is so free, I always found peace in water. Even though this water is not necessarily free, it chooses where it ends.

After showering I wrap myself in a fluffy cream towel and enter my room. However what I'm met with isn't just a messy bed across from the door but rather, a beat up, bruised and battered Morgan, sprawled over the foot of the bed, breathing erratically.

"Morgan" my voice remaining calm.

"Alexa" He speaks breathlessly whilst pealing one his eyes open "are you okay?"

He stands up shakily slightly limping.

"I'm fine" I speak in a monotone voice.

"Did they offer you work too?"

"How do you kn-" I'm cut off by his voice.

"Because they offered me a job after explaining I was a liability" he mutters sadly "I was working it all for you when you were gone but I had a terrible gut feeling, I just didn't think you were "away" like you said"

I hum in response, edging him on to continue.

"So I contacted the police, claiming a missing person after I tried to call. You always answer and your phone was going straight to voicemail" he explains "so after I got home there were men, maybe 5, in my apartment waiting, searching through my flat" He finished whilst tears spill down his cheek.

"Oh" I say.

I don't know how to deal with crying people, I rarely allow myself to cry let alone manage someone who's crying to me about a situation I have placed them in.

I have gained some kind of platonic feelings towards Morgan. He was a great man, always wore his heart on his sleeve and tried his hardest for me but, seeing him like this didn't really cause a stir in my stomach. I do enjoy his presence, I just don't feel the guilt. He chose to look, he chose to put that target on his back, not me.

"And then they just dragged me here, offering me a job as an assistant for Logan Steele" he coughs "they told me that they had you and wouldn't hurt you as long as I did my job, managing his schedule and shit"

"How long have you been here?" I question.

"A week or so" he responds.

"Okay" I state, still in a towel, growing slightly uneasy.

"I asked to see you and they let me thank God" he breathes out.

"What is happening to my firm?" I ask

"They-" he answers whilst looking to the floor.

"They what Morgan?" I scowl.

"The building burnt down" He mutters "All employees who survived were transferred to the sister company"

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