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"He travels fastest who is alone" - Rudyard Kipling


I slid the envelope myself, it's precious information I cannot afford to let in the hands of the untrustworthy. I always work alone, I make my decisions alone. I take advice, I take criticism, but I am always better off alone.

People always say you need someone, someone you can complain and vent to, someone you can trust but, you never really do trust, you never put all of your eggs in one basket. Hell, I never put any eggs anywhere, just decoys, so that I remain safe, hence why, for the first time, I place one of my eggs in her basket. I am trusting myself to make this choice. She is random, unruly and detached. Some would view this as a problem, something that needs to be locked away. I see potential. The potential is in my favour if I keep her at bay.

She is so reserved, something you can't quite put a finger on. I know this could back fire, strike my whole empire down to the ground. Everyone wants Alexa Martinova. She has a bounty of 3 million on her head, she has assets many only dream of acquiring. I admire it as much as I loathe it. It concerns me that I have met my match, someone who can play the field as I can. she is smart, offering herself on a silver platter. Maybe it's a decoy but, risking my head now, putting myself on the line, will just make me untouchable.

Such a precious opportunity has just presented itself to me.

She is the key I will use to unlock all of the doors filled to the brim with demons who have been locked away from me, keeping me restricted from it all. The master key everyone has been so desperate to locate and I am its keeper, I didn't think I could poses more power than I did, considering they thought the key had been lost forever, even I thought the key had been lost. I would be a fool not to use it, drain it, break and once it's served its purpose I will dispose of it. Just for now, she has proven useful.

I stroll back to my office and let the wait begin. I had waited too long to finally have my claws sunk into her, and now having to just wait a day, a week or even a month, after these 3 long years of searching, seems like an eternity. My end goal was right in front of me but it is just out of reach, just far enough to have me clawing like a maniac at my prized possession.

She is a barrister, she knows the ins and outs of a contract better than many, so I knew tricking her into signing her death wouldn't be easy so I opted for a simple, one page contract.

"By signing this contract you agree to be loyal and service Mr. Logan Steele for a period of 10 months. You will be required to:"

"-Follow rules set by Mr. Logan Stele"
"-Live on Mr. Logan Steele's premises"
"-Do not contact/affiliate with opposing business"
"-Must sign the omertà"

"Procedures given by Mr. Logan Steele do not have a safety limit, Mr Logan Steele ensures he will not harm you, however any harm enforced on you by other persons will not breach contract agreements"

"Mr. Logan Steele offers you the job title/position as the "Head Of Assassination" if one test, of Mr. Logan Steele's choosing, is completed"


It was a simple, effective and straight forward contract. It covers all bases and questions, no traps, no excessive issues. It was obvious. I knew what her answer would be, but that didn't stop the uncertainty brewing in my stomach. I rarely feel uncertain, in fact I don't think I ever have. Nothing is ever certain which is what keeps me certain that regardless of what happens Im still right at the top of the food chain. business deals are uncertain, drugs deals are uncertain, life is uncertain but, their deaths will be certain if my proposition is not taken.

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