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"If you are going through Hell, keep going" - Winston Churchill.


I stare at him, unnerved by his powerful demeanour, he needs me not, the other way around, if he killed me I would be useless, we both know it.

"I am the reason you cannot have London" I state obviously.

He stares through me, into me? I can't even tell, his eyes are void of any emotion, a blank canvas. Hi face is so empty, so...


He finally opens his mouth and lets out a hoarse breath. "You are worth hundreds of millions in this world Alexa you hold the power of making me something entirely inhuman, extraterrestrial even." He says effortlessly as he pulls out a cigarette. "You are what all these petty gangs have been searching for, what the government want to find to cage your parents like dogs, what the United Kingdom sees as a prized possession"

"Yes" I answer coldly.

"You vanished for quite some time darling" He takes a drag and blows it in my face. "But the world is only so big" He hums.

"Mhm" I reply

"And I'm ever so influential" He smirks menacingly. "Now you're going to watch your parents die"

I stare at him. He finally flickers some emotion, shock? He does not seem to understand that I have been condition by those monsters if they died, I would probably smile, something I don't regularly do.

"And then" He begins, returning back to his non expressive act "I'll kill you"

"Charming" I say whilst slightly twisting my hand.

Thankfully I am double jointed in my left hand. I push my thumb whilst maintaining eye contact with him. my hand is already coated with a fine layer of sweat, I effortlessly slip it, not moving the rest of my pained body by an inch.

"I try" he grins showing off his pearls. "Back to the cells you go sweethea-"

Before he finished his sentence my hand is free, I launch myself towards the scissors and snip off the plastic trapping my legs. I stand just as he has rounded the table, a shiny blade glistens in his palm. I pick up the chair with my only limb still attached to the glossy leather and oak seat, and whip it towards him.

Thank fuck it's not as heavy and I thought.

He stumbles towards his desk, as he regains his balance, I grab the scissors and cut the zip tie off my right hand. I use the scissors to lunge my body towards his and stab straight into his tattooed shoulder. I remove the knife and stab into his leg.

Just for safe keeping.

I leap up, and run towards the door.

A code, of course.

"The code" I demand

"Nah you're good" He grunts whilst standing up from the ground. "No code for you though"

I turn my head and see him bolting towards me, I side step to the left towards the wall, and run directly past him, like something out of a cartoon.

I stand behind his desk, once again facing him. I glance behind me to see a window.

"Do not" He says with a psychotic smile "we're on the third floor"

"A risk I am willing to take" I mutter whilst matching his facial expression.

I run towards the window, unlatch it whilst holding the scissors in one hand. I look behind me and see him limping over relatively quick.

I push the window open and make my way onto the ledge and push the window back. I am really starting to contemplate my survival instincts.

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