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"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door" - Milton Berle.


I look to my left as I hear a faint squeal of a door opening. He stands there, gawking at me, something beast like in his glare, it seems almost like amazement. I look him up and down, grey sweats. no shirt, his beautiful tattoos painted along his accentuated muscles, layered so blissfully. The man was flawless, his scars a lighter shade than his olive skin, illuminated by the moonlight. His hair slightly damp, messy, not in that slick back, with a few strands falling stray over her forehead that I always see.

I need to fuck something bad.

He knew what he was doing earlier, and I needed some
relief so bad, it's been too long since my urges have been satisfied. I continue rubbing, fingering as he approaches me, until he is at the edge of bed, not staring into my eyes anymore but, at my core, eyes glistening and his tongue poking into the side of his clean-shaven cheek.

"Well" he mutter whilst grabbing my ankles and pulling me to the edge.

My hands fall away from my slits, leaving an intense feeling.

"Well" I respond breathlessly.

He runs his fingers over my thighs, his calluses scratching across my skin.

"Who would've have thought?" he says "that you would fold so quickly Lex"

My name sliding from his tongue so seductively.

"I haven't folded" I state my lie.

"Then what's this?" He says whilst sliding his finger over my core, earning a moan from my mouth.

I begin to gasp as he slides his fingers up and down my pussy, so painfully slow.

"Answer the question" he demands through a grin.

"I'm fingering myself" I state the obvious.

"I know, I heard" he pushes his finger on my clit, a light pressure building up in my stomach.

I push myself onto his finger more and begin to rub my waist up and down, providing myself with a pleasurable sensation. Just as I speed up he whips his hand back.

"Who said you could do that?" he questions darkly.

"Who said I couldn't?" I question whilst looking at him.

"Me" he replies.

Instinctively my hands reach for my wet and start to rub. The feeling in my stomach building up, rapture flowing through me.

My hands get whipped away and pinned to my stomach by his. I try to move them but to no avail. He stares at me, for what feels like forever before his right hand moves down to my core.

"You want it?" He asks "my fingers fucking you as hard as they can?" as he runs my sensitive clit, increasing his pace with each slide.

I nod.

"Words Lex" He demands

"Yes" I reply.

He lifts me off the bed and pushes me towards the full length mirror, standing me right in front of it.

"Look at you" he says whilst pushing my head down towards the mirror, his throaty, raspy voice in my
ear "you're a fucking mess"

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