Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 (8 march 2024)

It was the first time back home after 1 year,i have been in the hospital for quite a while. I was exited,scared and hopeful. Since my last time home my family and friend visited me but I was often alone in that hospital room. At first the smell of antiseptic was annoying but I guess you get used to it like everything.

"Honey I'm so happy" said my mom hugging me
"Don't be too harsh Elena" said my father caressing my cheek
I smiled then I opened the car's door
"We have to go to the farmacy later on,I got everything write down"
"Please mom I'm sick of thinking about medicine and stuff"
"I know honey" she said with a small smile
"Is Josh home?"
"Not yet,I think he's at Blake's"

I missed him ,we got to see each other like 4 times a month,him being occupied with football,school and me being further and not medical-available.

I got a rare condition. It all started when I was 14,it was Josh 16 birthday and I was dancing,then I started felling dizzy and I sat down,it happened frequently but my family and the doctor said that I just needed some sugar.

"You ok Allison?" Said Josh running next to me
"Can you call mum?" I said with a hand on my forehead
He nodded and ran away
"Yo Allison your headaches again?" said Blake coming next to me
I nodded
"That sucks,I'm sorry"
"Allison honey the headache again?" said my dad running
I nodded
Josh gave me the candy that i always take and i swallowed it. 5 minutes passed by but nothing seemed to change
"How are you feeling dear?"
"Not god" I said with eyes half shut
"Stay awake" said Josh lightly slapping my face
"Can't" I said shutting my eyes
"Allison!" Said Josh keep pinching my face

Then I shut my eyes.

Next day I was in the hospital. White sheets. A colorful plant on the table,some clothes on a couch. The windows were shout but some light came in. Then a doctor came in

"You're awake" he said smiling
"Allison!" My mother entered the room followed by my dad and they hugged me
"Please don't put pressure on her" said the doctor and he came closer to the monitor while my parents backed up
"Allison you have a rare condition. We assume that you can't assimilate nutrients. That means that,if we're right, your brain completely shut down and no oxygen flows to the brain."
"How's that possible?" I asked
"As I said it's a rare condition,it could be genetic"
"That means that I'll die?" I said looking at him
I heard my mum whimpering
"You can live with it,you just have to be careful and take you medicine" he said giving me a smile


When we arrived home I felt like a new person. I was staing in front of our garden. Admiring my beautiful home,thinking about my comfy bed and my beautiful and spacious room,the pool outside,my beautiful puppy Skyker

"We'll take care of the baggage later,come on hun let's go inside"
I nodded then I opened the door feeling anxious.

When we entered the house I heart fast footsteps approaching us then I saw Skyler my dalmata.

"Baby!" I said hugging her,she moved her tail very fast and she tried to lick my face
"She missed you,we all did"
I smiled. I missed my family
"Where's Josh?"
"He'll be here by minutes"
"I see,then I'm going to my room"

The I disappeared upstairs.

I looked myself in my fullenght umirror. A lot of things changed and I was very happy. I was admiring myself when I heard a car pulled over. I immediately went downstairs and watched as Josh entered the house. When we interlocked gazes we ran to each other and hugged,he lift me up and kissed on my forehead

"I'm glad you're here" he said
"Josh hun don't press her too much" said my mum ruining the moment
"You're right" he said releasing me
"Mum that doesn't have to do anything with my condition" I said
"I know Allison but they gave you shots this morning and it's better for you to relax and don't get thrown here and there too much"

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