Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (12 march 2024)

I was getting ready for the beach but I was unsure about what bathing suit I should've wore. I've got a few options but I wanted the perfect one for my first time back to the beach.

I decided for a black bikini. I put a pair of blue short and a white top and got my bag. I checked that everything was in it there and got my phone.

-unknown: be there in 10

I saved the contact and as I was typing I heard lots of honks. I looked out of my room's window and I saw Blake in a Black Jeep blasting some music.
"What the hell is wrong with him" I muttered to myself
I grabbed my bag,headed downstairs and closed the door while Blake was still honking.
"Stop it! The neighbors are gonna get mad!"
He lowered the music and looked at me
"Loosen up Cooper" he said lowering his sunglasses and I rolled my eyes
"Come here I saved you the front seat"
I hopped on the Jeep and greeted Thomas and Luke that were sitting in the back
Blake turned the volume up and drove away


The others were already here except for Julie and Josh.
"Hey girls!" I said hugging Olivia and Sophie
"First bath of the season!" Said Sophie clapping her hands

The weather was amazing,no cloud in sight and there weren't too many people,it was hot and I couldn't wait to jump in the water.
"Do we have to wait the losers?" asked Blake taking off his sunglasses
"Josh said that he'll be here in 30" said Thomas
"Then let's get going"
He turned to the beach and we all followed him.

I grabbed my blue towel and laid it on the sand and took my clothes off. I took the sunscreen and applied it on my skin. We don't want wrinkles do we?
"Yo Allison-" Blake stopped in his tracks and looked at me
"What?" I asked finishing to apply the sunscreen on my face
"Oh uhm what sunscreen do you have?"
"50+" I answered
"Too bad,don't you have something lower?" He asked
"I have 20 but I suggest you the 50+,with this sun you'll burn yourself" I said giving it to him
"Thank you princess" he said winking at me


Josh and Julie had arrived and we were now sunbathing. I got up and grabbed my wallet
"I'm going to the bar,do you want something?" I asked
They all hummed a no in response,too busy sunbathing and sleeping
"I'll come with you,I want a drink" said Blake getting up
"Did you see my top?" I asked searching in my bag
Blake shook his head and started to search for it
I turned to him and my clothes were soaked in water and sand,my brother was laying on them.
"I can't believe it" I said discouraged
"Here" said Blake handing me his t shirt
"What about you?"
"If I cover up ladies won't be able to see this show" he said pointing at himself
I laughed and wore his t shirt,it was too long so I tied it on the side.

"What would you like?" He asked as we approached the bar
"I'll get a coke and a fruit salad"
He nodded
"Hi,can we get a coke,a fruit salad and a Long Island?"
The Barman nodded and placed the stuff on the counter
"That'll be 23" he said handing us the receipt
I took out a 50$ bill but Blake placed a hand on my wallet
"C'mon Blake" I said but He had already gave the Barman his card
"I won't let you pay" he said in an obvious tone
"It's not like we're dating"
"It's about manners" he said taking back his card

We thanked the barman and went back to the beach

"Wow look a that!" I said pointing at a yellow bike
They put a fake bike on the sand where people could take photos.
"Can you hold them for me? I'll call Julie so that she can take a photo of me" I said giving him the coke and the fruit salad
"Don't wake her up,I'll take it for you" he answered
I nodded thanking him. Now that I think about it it's better to not wake Julie up because she's irritating.

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