Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 (9 march 2024)

First day of school. I mean. Kind of

I got up at 6:30 and I had a long shower,i did my entire routine and I got dressed
I put a jeans and a top and I made my backpack. It was 7:15 and I decided do put some make up on,just some concealer under my eyes and a lip balm,I put oil on my hair and I headed downstairs for breakfast.

I found my mum already in the kitchen with my dad that was drinking a coffee with some pancakes
"Good morning Al,how'd you sleep in you bed?" Asked dad
"Beautifully" I said smiling
"Honey do you want waffles or pancakes?"
I hummed thinking about it. It was a hard decision
"I'll go with waffles"

My mum put a plate of waffles with syrup and some fruit and a bowl of Greek yogurt
"All of that?" I asked squinting my eyes

As I was eating my brother entered the kitchen,he was already dressed but he look like he had just woken up
"'Morning" he said humming
"Yo mum you made waffles" he said grabbing a plate
"There's also pancakes on the pan"
"That's what I want to hear" he said as he made himself a plate of both of them with bacon and yogurt
"You got everything with you?" Asked Josh while he was chewing
I nodded
"All of your medicine?"
I nodded again
"You sure?"
"Oh my god yesss,eat up and let's go or we'll be late"

He finished eating and went upstairs to brush his

"Let's go,bye mum bye dad"
I kissed them on the cheek and I saluted Skyler
"Bye baby" I said petting her

We hop on the car and went to school

As we arrived there was only a car spot left and it was Josh's ,next to the spot there was some boys talking next to a black Mercedes and I spotted Blake
"Josh man what's up?" Said a blond guy high'fived him
"All good,you ready for tomorrow?"
They all started to shout like crazy
"Hey kiddo" said Blake and he dragged all of the attention
"That's Allison you guys,my sister,some of you already know her"
I did Infact know some of them
"I remember Ethan,Parker and Sam"
"Oh and Of course Blake" I said faking forgetting about him
"Funny like always" he said exhaling
"You grew a lot" said Parker looking at me up and down
"Yeah I remember you being like 5'1"
I laughed
"I'm going,there's Sophie waiting for me"
"Ok,call me if you need anything"
"Bye" I said waving at everyone
"See you at lunch" shouts Josh and I did the ok sign
As I walked inside I could feel some stares but I didn't care
"Allison!" Sophie ran to hug me and I laughed
"I missed you" I said
"How are you?" She said breaking from the hug

It's like the millionth time someone ask me that
"Very well and you?"
"I'm good just a bit tired"
"Why is that?"
"I had to finish my homework. Thank god that you're back so that I can copy them"
I rolled my eyes and we laughed


School was fine,I attended all the classes and I didn't have problems with them thanks to the tutor that my mum hired when I was sick

"I'll be back in 20" said Josh to his friends
"See you later man"
We got in the car and Josh drove off
"I can take the bus if you want literally I doesn't bother me" I said
"I told you that is fine for me and even the team is fine with that"
I nodded
"Are you coming to tomorrow's match?" He asked
"Of course,I've never seen you play"
"Good,take Sophie with you"

I smirked.
"Why? You interested?" I said laughing
"Nah,i just thought you'd want someone with you" he shrugged
"Then why didn't you mention Julie or Mia or Jessica or-"
"Never mind" he said rolling his eyes while I laughed
"What about Alexis? Weren't you talking with her?"
"Yeah no she's a bitch"
"I see"
"I'm pretty sure she's just interested in money and the fact that I'm the captain"
"I would too" I said and the laughed

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