Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 ( 31 march 2024)


"Sorry Coach, I thought the others would've let you know," I muttered as I rushed onto the field, slightly out of breath.

Coach shot me a stern look, his arms crossed. "They did, but that doesn't excuse your tardiness," he retorted firmly.

"Yeah, my bad," I admitted

"Enough excuses, get changed and join the others," he ordered with a wave of his hand.

"Yessir," I replied, darting off towards the locker room while my teammates shouted at me.


As we finished practice and headed to the locker room to change, Luke spoke up with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"So, Blake," he began, a smirk playing on his lips, "what kept you so occupied this morning?"

I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly where this was going. "Nothing exciting, just overslept," I replied.

Luke raised an eyebrow. "Oh, come on, man. We all saw you at the party last night," he teased, nudging me playful

I froze,maybe he saw me with Layla and not with Allison and to be honest I was hoping for that

"Oh right Layla"
"Isn't she black haired? That chick was for sure blonde" said Matias
"I think you are blind" I replied tiding my shoes
"Wait Blake wasn't she Allison?" Asked Daniel

I froze there. No way in hell they were there too and they saw us. Josh turned to look at us with a confused expression
"That's impossibile,she was at Sophie's" he said and I nodded
"Are you sure? She looked exactly like her and she left with you" Luke said pointing at me
"Did you smoked last night? It was Layla"
"Have you done cocaine last night bro?" asked Noah and we all laughed
"Probably they did offered me some"
I punched him in the shoulder and took my bag
"Are you coming over?" I asked Josh

He looked at me for few seconds and then he nodded
"Ok then,my dad is not at home,we can smoke if you want"
"I'm always down" he said

We saluted the others and went home.



I trust Blake. I trust him with my whole life. He's been my best friend since we were 3 years old and nothing has ever changed between us and nothing will ever change. He's a brother to me and a child for my family. He was always there,even after my birthday party when Allison got sick he has been by my side al night,he didn't sleep because he didn't wanna leave me alone.

"So how was the party last night?" I asked
"Same shit,we drank,we smoked" he answered
"No girls?"
"Just Layla,I took her home and then went to bed,I was tired as fuck" he replied
"What about you? How's things with Julie?" He asked
"She's really an amazing girl"
"But?" He anticipated me and I laughed
"It feels weird you know,it's not like I can have a one night stand with her,I gotta take that shit serious"

He lighted the joint and took three hits.
"And are you willing to take it serious?" He asked exhaling
I thought about it
"I think so"
"My man is all grown up"
I laughed and got up to take the bottle of water on his drawer. While I was drinking I saw a gold bracelet on the floor and took it to take a look at it. It looked like the one that has Allison too.
"You good?" Blake asked
"Yeah,uhm is this yours?" I asked showing him the bracelet

He looked at it with a weird expression then he took it away from me.
"Thank you so much man where did you find it? It is Layla's and she lost it"

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